
Aries Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign
Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, relates and resonates differently with each of the other signs. Some pairings hold better prospects than others, but strong, lasting and happy relationships can be formed between any combination of zodiac signs. The details of compatibility depend on factors beyond what the sun signs may suggest. However, on…
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Isn’t It Time We Rebrand A Certain Ill-Named Zodiac Sign?
Is it not ironic that the most sensitive, shy and nurturing sign of the zodiac should bear the name of a dreaded disease? Well, I think so. Unless you were born under the sign of Cancer, the unfortunate name of this sign probably doesn’t bother you personally. You may very well recognize the unfortunate overlap…
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How Each Zodiac Sign Handles Rejection
In astrology, the sun sign is specifically tied to ego, pride and self worth and so it is very relevant in informing how one might respond to rejection. Here is a brief take on each zodiac sign’s handling of rejection: (more…)
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Capricorn Anger: 6 Things That Enrage The Goat
Capricorns are known for being level headed, patient people. They're also one of the most determined signs in the zodiac. However, there are a few things that can anger Capricorns, and if you know what they are, you can avoid saying or doing them yourself! In this post, we will discuss 6 things that Capricorns…
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Pisces Anger: 6 Things That Will Infuriate Pisces
As a sign not known for being hot-tempered or easily provoked, the Pisces person is typically a kind and sensitive soul. Pisces are very emotional beings, but unlike Aries who are often very candid and transparent about their raw feelings, the Pisces person will often be vague and indirect. They tend to internalize and withhold…
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The Bright and Dark Side of Each Moon Sign
♈THE BRIGHT SIDE OF ARIES MOON: You are more energetic, enterprising, optimistic, open to change, idealistic. ♈THE DARK SIDE OF ARIES MOON: You are more impulsive, opinionated, domineering, impatient, vain. ♉THE BRIGHT SIDE OF TAURUS MOON: You are more trustworthy, determined, warm, affectionate, artistic. (more…)
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The G-Spot of Each Zodiac Sign
Aries Aries’ G-spot is on their face and scalp. Aries men and women love having their hair combed and played with. Gently stroke their melon and nibble on their earlobes like a hungry chipmunk. Now rub their forehead like a magic lamp. Massage in a circular motion and then tease their face with a feather…
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How To Attract Each Zodiac Sign
Aries - Let them know how much you admire them. They feed on your amusement so stroke their ego and indulge them if they try to impress you. Just don’t overdo it because they can easily spot insincerity. Taurus - With Taurus, you may need to take the initiative. They respond well to humor and…
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The Type of Competitor You Are Based on Zodiac Sign
Whether we like it or not, sometimes we have to compete to get what we want in life. When others are vying for the same prize we are after, we have to employ whatever advantage we have to come out the winner. The 12 Zodiac signs have 12 different approaches to the art of war.…
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Bruce Lee’s Natal Chart
Bruce Lee was born on November 27, 1940, in San Francisco, California. He was a child actor in Hong Kong who later returned to the U.S. and taught martial arts. He starred in the TV series The Green Hornet (1966-67) and became a major box office draw in The Chinese Connection and Fists of Fury.…
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Barack Obama’s Birth Chart
Born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii, Barack Obama is the 44th and current president of the United States. He was a community organizer, civil-rights lawyer and teacher before pursuing a political career. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996 and to the U.S. Senate in 2004. He was elected to…
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Numerology Numbers and their Meanings
Numerology has suddenly taken оvеr thе whоlе world nowadays. Thеrе аrе umpteen number оf cine stars whо аrе changing thеіr names tо bе іn thе league оf celebrities whо have won thе world bу just adding аn "а" оr "v" tо thеіr names ѕо thаt thе number corresponding tо thеіr names bring luck tо thеіr…
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What Your Zodiac Sign Really Says About You
What does the zodiac say about you? The zodiac is a collection of constellations that tell movements of the sun and moon, as well as, other planets. You will find that there are twelve signs of the zodiac and they are based on the constellations that are considered to be especially important to the world.…
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3 Common Misconceptions about Astrology
There are many common misconceptions about astrology in the Western world. Astrology in America has been turned into a form of entertainment and is not taken seriously by many people. However, the truth is that there is a lot of truth and usefulness in the art of astrology. Here are the three most common misconceptions…
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Which Zodiac Sign is the Worst?
Each zodiac sign has its good and bad qualities but who is to say that any one of them is worse than the other? This is a matter of opinion and everyone has their own perspective. So tell us which zodiac sign you think is the worst and we'll let the poll results speak for…
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