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Jupiter in Astrology

jupiter astrology

Jupiter Overview:

In astrology, Jupiter represents expansion, good luck and higher Learning. It is associated with good luck, long trips, philosophy, and benevolence. Jupiter also bestows a broad and optimistic outlook along with a sense of humor. Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius and the 9th house. It is a benefic planet, meaning that its energy and influence is often beneficial and auspicious. Saturn in contrast, is associated with bad news and a need for caution. Jupiter rules over knowledge of a higher order such as that provided at Universities and academies. It is secular and worldly and does not exclude itself from enriching experiences. 

Rather, it seeks after them because it is restless and harbors a need for mental stimulation and activities that carry an element of novelty. Jupiter doesn’t like to stay in one place for too long and does not hold an abiding need for security and stability. While Saturn compels us to inhibit ourselves, Jupiter encourages us to venture outside our comfort zones and experience life. Try a new food or travel to an interesting location and interact with a different culture. Jupiter confers a cosmopolitan attitude and an appreciation for variety and beauty of many forms. Jupiter is cheerful and friendly but its drawbacks include a lack of moderation in consumption of pleasure and fun and a penchant for extravagance and overspending. 

  • Jupiter Rulership: Sagittarius & Pisces
  • Jupiter Detriment: Gemini & Virgo
  • Jupiter Exaltation: Cancer
  • Jupiter Fall: Capricorn

Jupiter Key Traits: 

  • Generosity 
  • benevolence 
  • religion 
  • confidence 
  • optimism 
  • humane 
  • Mercy 
  • philanthropy 
  • understanding 
  • kindness 
  • extravagance 
  • pomposity 
  • expansion

The Jupiter Symbol:

The symbol for Jupiter is somewhat like Saturn but flipped upside down. it represents the liberation of the mind to express itself freely and unconstrained by the tests and prohibitions of reality. This is a representation of the superconscious mind that does not subordinate or limit itself to the practical and mundane. Instead, it seeks to bend reality to its will and auspices. It is broad and borderless in its reach and boundless in its optimism and benevolence. 

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Jupiter in the Natal Chart:

Jupiter is the opposite of Saturn in that it is representative of abundance and unlimited potential whereas Saturn is associated with minimalism and limitation. Jupiter seeks to explore the world and accumulate wisdom like an itinerant philosopher. Individuals whose birth chart features a prominent Jupiter are likely to enjoy popularity, a cheerful disposition and an ability to attract good luck and success in many of their endeavors. On a side note, you are likely to have an instant rapport with people who have their Jupiter in the same sign as your sun. Where Jupiter is placed in your chart can indicate what careers you are bound to prosper in or find the most opportunities. 

Furthermore, Jupiter’s placement is an indication of how outgoing you are and your ability to attract money and success or turn ideas into profit. Jupiter can also signify the nature of your optimism and the context in which you are adventurous and exploratory. It reveals an area in which you are inclined to spare no expense for the sake of an ideal, or having a fun and meaningful experience. Jupiter bestows a generosity of spirit that can attract good luck and good karma there. A lot of success and good things are bound to occur by chance and with relatively little effort in the area where Jupiter is found. This can also make you lazy or overindulgent and also lacking in strength of character that is usually forged from successes that are hard-earned. Jupiter regards itself a citizen of the world. A cosmopolitan who is highly cultured and conversant in a wide array of customs and ways of life. 

Jupiter as a Transit:

As a transit, Jupiter serves to broaden your perspective in whatever sign or house it passes through. It can bring an overall optimism and positive attitude that can ultimately attract better prospects and luck in that particular sign or house. Because Jupiter lasts in each sign for about a year, its passage through each sign can mark a significant period of prosperity for a certain area of your life. In the sign of Taurus for example, Jupiter may have you experience a boost in your ability to handle and manage finances. You may get rewarded for your patience, good judgement and good taste. In the sign of Gemini, Jupiter can enhance the payoffs and rewards for being clever and communicating well. In the sign of Virgo, Jupiter can make you successful doing what you enjoy as a hobby. You are able to prosper well through an attention to detail and tireless work ethic.

See also  Sagittarius Sun Capricorn Moon Personality

Jupiter Mythology: 

In Roman mythology, Jupiter became the king of the Gods after successfully a usurping his father Saturn. Jupiter’s Greek equivalent is Zeus the god of thunder. The sacred animal a Jupiter is the eagle. In Roman culture, Jupiter serves as a divine witness to ceremonial rites and oaths and formed part of the Capitoline Triad along with Juno and Minerva which was a fictitious guardian of the state. Jupiter was the son of Saturn and Ops was one of six siblings including Pluto, Neptune, Ceres, Vesta and Juno. Jupiter presided over the sky while Poseidon ruled the sea and Pluto lorded over the underworld. 

Jupiter in Astronomy: 

Jupiter is the 5th farthest planet from the Sun and the largest in the solar system. It is the third brightest natural object in the sky after the moon and Venus and can be observed with the naked eye. It is a gas giant with a composition primarily of hydrogen and helium. Among its notable features is the Great Red Spot, which is a giant storm visible on its surface that is as large as earth. It has a faint ring system and at least 79 known moons, four of which were discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610. Jupiter’s orbital period lasts almost 12 Earth years. Despite its massive size, it has a rapid rotation cycle that slightly deforms the planet’s shape into an oblate spheroid

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