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25 INTJ Statistics | Facts About INTJ

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The INTJ,  also known as “the mastermind” and “the architect” is one of the more mysterious and difficult to get-to-know personalities in the MBTI. Here are 25 statistics about the INTJ that you might find interesting.

1. A survey of type and American political party affiliation found that among the INTJs sampled, 19% were Democrat, 40% Republican, and 41% Independent. [source]

2. In a study rating argumentativeness in the types, INTJs were the second most argumentative after ENTJs. [source]

3. The 16PF is a personality test that measures various traits that have been found to be semi-associated with MBTI types. INTJs exhibited the third lowest level of “liveliness.” ISTJs and ISFPs were even less lively, while INFJs were slightly more so. Liveliness was most strongly exhibited by ESFPs and ENFPs. [source]

4. 64.4% of INTJs in a 3,036 person study indicated that they did in fact believe in a higher spiritual power. Only 23.1% of the INTJs were atheistic, and 12.5% were agnostic. [source]

5. INTJs tie with ENFPs as the type with the third lowest rate of heart disease/hypertension; in fact, only 15.4% of INTJs reported experiencing these conditions. [source]

6. Macedonia has the highest INTJ-A population (2.61%) while Oman has the least (0.36%). Iran has the highest percentage of  INTJ-T (3.8%) and Oman has the lowest (0.44%). INTJs comprise roughly 2.18% of the U.S. population. [source]

7. In a study examining MBTI type and entrepreneurship, it was found that ENTJs both start more businesses and fail more often, while INTJs and INTPs seem to be more successful in High-Tech firms.  [source]

8. According to a New Zealand database of MBTI records, scientists tended to be INTJ or INTP type. Managers tended to be ESTJ or ENTJ type.

See also  6 High Paying Careers For ENTJ

9. In a study of student psychological types versus the level of success in a Chemistry class, the average score of the INTJ personality type was 5.1 to 12.6 points higher than every other personality type. [source]

10. ISTJ, ESTJ, ENTJ, and INTJ account for roughly 78 percent of middle grade to flag rank officers in the United States military. [source]

11. In the sample of 78 incarcerated males at a Michigan prison-diversion, work-release program, distributions indicated that all four types with the ST core were over-represented, whereas INFJs and INTJs were absent from the sample. [source]

12. A study on MBTI type and giftedness analyzed a combined sample of 5,723 gifted 6th – 12th graders. The results found INTJs to rank 2nd to INTPs as being the most common type among gifted students. [source]

13. A study found that while a large chunk (65.1%) of INTJs rated “Home and family” as one of their most important values, they nevertheless placed the least weight on it of all types. [source]

14. The average INTJ individual will plan out their life for a minimum of 33 years.

15. A study measuring type and argumentativeness found that the four most argumentative types were ENTJ, INTJ, INTP, and ENTP. INTJs are therefore the 2nd most argumentative type. [source]

16. INTJs are the most loyal customers. A study tracked how long the people of each type had maintained a business relationship with an automobile dealership. It turned out that the average “customer organization relationship”  for INTJs was 18.0 years. By comparison, the average customer relationship of other types lasts only 5.7 years.

See also  ESTP Personality Type: the "Entrepreneur"

17. A descriptor study found that non-type-savvy observers perceived INTJ females as not being “feminine.” [source]

18. A study examined the leisure pastimes of the sixteen types. The type that most liked the item “Taking classes” was the INTJ. [source]

19. A 1997 study of 1,925 working MBA (Master’s of Business Administration) students found that INTJs were the type second most attracted to the MBA. ENTJs were the first.

20. INTJs were the most highly represented type among a group of 705 Cal Tech science students. There were nearly four times as many INTJs as would be expected. This is strong confirmation for the idea that INTJs are one of the main types among scientists.

21. INTJs are known for being hardworking, meticulous, stubborn and strict about principles—thus they “naturally” meet a number of the official DSM symptoms for OCPD (Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder) by default. [source]

22. The two predominant types among female atheists were ISTJ (40.8%) and INTJ (11.7%), compared with 6.9% and 0.8% respectively in the wider population. The two predominant types among male atheists were also ISTJ (41.4%) and INTJ (14.4%), compared with 16.4% and 3.3% respectively in the wider population. [source]

23. A 2011 survey of 1,784 Americans found 68% of INTJs reported that they had a Facebook account (the second most of all Rationals). INTJs ranked 7th out of 16 in terms of likelihood of having a Facebook account. [source]

24. INTJs were the type second most likely to seek professional help as a way to cope with problems and the least likely to use TV. They are also the third least likely type to get angry and show it and ranked third lowest for relying upon religious beliefs.

See also  ISFP Shadow: The Dark Side of ISFP

25. Only 30.8% of INTJs rate “Relationship/friendships” as “very important” which is the lowest of all types. INTJs also rated their friendships as the least satisfying of all types.

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