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ENFP Personality Type: the “Campaigner”

enfp traits

Warm, enthusiastic and imaginative, the ENFP is a personality who embraces a life full of possibilities. If you are an ENFP, it means you are a highly creative person who seeks to extract deeper meaning from life’s experiences. You have a penchant for recognizing patterns and connections between ideas and phenomena in the world.

Despite being an extrovert, who cares about people, these individuals are also highly independent and can spend a great deal of time by themselves engaging in their personal interests. This type can often appear introverted despite being so gregarious and sociable. Their zest for life naturally draws people to them and they typically enjoy a large circle of friends.

ENFPs like to focus on the positive and take pleasure in uplifting others. When they see someone sad, they cannot help but want to cheer them up. As inspirational idealists, this personality type has a special way of making others feel appreciated and supported.

They are highly perceptive and due to their wide range of feelings and emotions, they are able to empathize and identify with much of what other people experience. Affirmations and encouragement from others is also important to them as they can sometimes forget or lose sight of how appreciated and loved they are by the people who know them.

ENFPs are innovators with great initiative. When they put their energy and enthusiasm behind a project, their passion can be infectious. They are skilled in the art of persuasion and motivation. As individualists, this type respects and appreciates the individual differences of each person.

They would encourage others to be themselves and think for themselves rather than follow the herd. Moreover, just as they would not tolerate others dictating to them how to live their lives or what to believe, ENFPs would not seek to do that to others. When it comes to matters that they are deeply passionate about however, they can be intense and preachy.

They are driven to define and shape their identity through self-education and creative exploration. People and human behavior are among their favorite subjects for observation, but many ENFPs are also attracted to spiritual studies and pathways to self-enlightenment.

This type craves authenticity and realness both in themselves and others. They are not followers of the herd and in fact actively avoid going in the same direction as everyone else around them. Still, they naturally get along with most people and manage to blend well with almost any group of personalities.

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Even though extraverted feeling is not a part of their cognitive function stack, ENFPs still find it important to foster harmony and goodwill. They can be great team players willing to cooperate and do their part. However, they are ever prepared to take on a more prominent or leading role in the facilitation of an assignment or project.

Although they are good at getting the ball rolling and leading the way in many aspects, they would generally prefer to let others handle tedious administrative details and other boring tasks. It is important to note that ENFPs who have not developed their feeling are susceptible to superficial dabbling, hopping from one interest to the next without investing the time and energy necessary for accomplishing anything.

People of this type can become easily scattered and experience difficulty focusing and following through on decisions. At times, they can be rebellious and unwilling to conform with others and also be too lax when it comes to meeting deadlines and following procedures. Because of their taste for novelty and stimulating activities, they can have a tough time sticking to routines and paying attention to mundane and repetitive details. They can lose interest easily and feel the urge to move on to something else before anything is fully completed.

ENFPs place emphasis on self expression, self awareness and growth. Verbally fluent and engaging, this type can often make for skilled writers and communicators. They are able to articulate themselves with nuance and authenticity. Additionally, they are proponents of open and honest speech and dislike glib and insincere formalities.

In their heart, the ENFP person believes they can do just about anything they desire but what they fear is making wrong decisions and being stuck with their mistakes. People of this personality type are out to embark on a creative adventure that is fulfilling and validating. They find satisfaction in careers that involve human services, psychology, teaching, medicine, and theology.

Although intuitive and insightful with a sharp eye for certain kinds of detail, ENFPs can run into problems when their overactive intuitions start picking up on hidden agendas and ulterior motives that don’t exist. They have strong instincts and can usually detect people with bad vibes very easily. However, it is important that these intuitive extraverts make an effort to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to take other’s words at face value without looking for double meanings and reading too much into it.

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ENFP Strengths:

  • Energetic and Enthusiastic: ENFPs bring energy and excitement to projects, inspiring and motivating those around them.
  • Creative and Innovative: They have a natural inclination towards creativity and enjoy exploring new ideas and possibilities.
  • Empathetic and Understanding: ENFPs are highly attuned to the emotions of others, making them compassionate and supportive.
  • Adaptable: They are flexible and open to new experiences, often thriving in dynamic and changing environments.
  • Charismatic Communicators: ENFPs are charismatic and articulate, able to express their ideas persuasively.
  • Visionaries: They often have a strong sense of vision and purpose, driven by their ideals and desire to make a positive impact.
  • Optimistic: ENFPs have an optimistic outlook on life, seeing the potential for growth and positive change.
  • Big Picture Thinkers: They can see the broader implications of ideas and concepts, making them effective strategists.
  • Spontaneous: ENFPs enjoy spontaneity and are open to exploring new opportunities without excessive planning.
  • Authenticity: They value authenticity and encourage others to be true to themselves.

ENFP Weaknesses:

  • Procrastination: ENFPs may struggle with follow-through on tasks, as they are easily distracted by new and exciting possibilities.
  • Overthinking: They may overanalyze situations and become indecisive when faced with multiple options.
  • Difficulty with Structure: ENFPs may resist strict routines and may struggle in highly structured environments.
  • Sensitivity to Criticism: They can be sensitive to criticism and may take it personally, affecting their self-esteem.
  • Tendency to Overcommit: ENFPs may take on too many projects at once, leading to difficulty in managing their time and energy.
  • Easily Bored: Routine tasks or lack of variety may lead to boredom and a decrease in motivation.
  • Conflict Avoidance: They may avoid confrontations and conflicts, sometimes at the expense of addressing important issues.
  • Difficulty in Decision-Making: ENFPs may find it challenging to make decisions, especially when faced with conflicting values.
  • Emotional Intensity: Intense emotions may be overwhelming for ENFPs, affecting their ability to cope in stressful situations.
  • Struggle with Practical Matters: They may prioritize abstract ideas over practical considerations, leading to challenges in more pragmatic areas.
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Famous ENFP People:

  • Mark Twain – Author and Humorist
  • Robin Williams – Actor and Comedian
  • Walt Disney – Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Disney
  • Oscar Wilde – Playwright and Poet
  • Ellen DeGeneres – Comedian and TV Host
  • Ariel from The Little Mermaid – Fictional Character
  • Keira Knightley – Actress
  • Salma Hayek – Actress and Producer
  • Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel) – Author and Illustrator

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Jetta Moon
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