mbti list

How Each Myers Briggs Type Sabotages Themselves
"The Long Road" by caitlin-may INTP + ISTP SOCIAL SUICIDE The anxiety, awkwardness and rejection they've experienced socially can drive the INTP/ISTP away from people causing them to miss out on opportunities to form meaningful connections with others. Their past embarrassments and moments of ineptitude may burrow deep into their psyche and lead the INTP/ISTP to…
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The Major Vice of Each Myers Briggs Type
The MBTI serves as a roadmap, illuminating the diverse pathways of our individual psyches. While MBTI sheds light on our strengths and orientations, it also can hint at the unhealthy indulgences we are susceptible to, unveiling the shadowy corners where our vices lurk. In this post, we speculate on the guilty pleasures, shameful tendencies, and…
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The Hidden Insecurity of Each Myers Briggs Type
INTP Being thought of as boring or unintelligent. INTPs derive most pleasure from solitary activities such as research and acts of creativity. Their minds are always bubbling with ideas and random sometimes hilarious cogitations. INTPs know that if someone were to glimpse the amusing contents of their thoughts it would be clear why they are…
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The Mental Illness Of Each Myers Briggs Type
The concept of "dominant and tertiary loops" is a theory proposed within the framework of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It suggests that individuals may sometimes rely excessively on their dominant and tertiary cognitive functions while neglecting their auxiliary and inferior functions, leading to imbalanced or ineffective behavior. (more…)
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The Annoying Qualities Of Each Myers Briggs Type
INTP In trying to explain how they got from A to B they may condescendingly simplify things to the point of insult or give up with a dismissive “never mind”. Delaying the completion of their work indefinitely with constant revisions, sometimes even quitting before they ever begin. Setting aside their partners’ feelings, and their own, for far too…
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The Trickster Role Of Each Myers Briggs Type
The Trickster Role - The 7th function referred to as the trickster, or deceiving role, is a reaction against being controlled or put upon. It mirrors the eternal child of the tertiary function and is triggered when the tertiary function is threatened or bullied by the 7th function either through other's use of it or by direct…
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The Opposing Role of Each Myers Briggs Type
The Opposing Role of an MBTI Type The opposing role is the 5th function and the first shadow function in the Beebe model's extended 8-function stack. This function's role manifests as a reaction towards the ego and especially its heroic dominant perspective when being opposed or obstructed. Obstruction might also be when the ego's connection…
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The Relationship Style Of Each Myers Briggs Type
INTP In their romantic relationships, INTPs may exhibit qualities that their partners find endearing. INTPs are always generating ideas, but rarely do they get to fully explore their more romantic ideations. When they finally do meet someone with whom they are romantically synced, INTPs show themselves to be enthusiastic and cheeky, using flirty word play and clever innuendos to charm the…
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The Shadow Ego of Each Myers Briggs Type
In 1993 at the APT conference in Huntington Beach, CA., Jungian analyst John Beebe (ENTP) introduced a pioneering theory of the sequence of the eight mental functions. His theory proposes that each of our 4 preferred functions has an opposite shadow function. Each Myers Briggs personality has 4 shadow functions and those functions form a shadow personality.…
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The Critical Parent Role of Each Myers Briggs Type
In cognitive theory, the critical parent role or witch/senex represents the 6th function in a type's cognitive stack. As part of the shadow processes the critical parent indicates the function used to spot weak points in ourselves and others and attack them with scathing criticisms and demoralizing invectives. It’s also referred to as the “demonstrative function” and represents a hidden strength present in every type. (more…)
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The Devilish Role of Each Myers Briggs Type
In cognitive theory, the devilish role is the 8th function in the functional stack and forms part of the shadow processes. The devilish role manifests under stressful conditions and can be quite negative. In using the process that plays this role, we might become destructive of ourselves or others and engage in behavior that will…
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The Most Interesting Qualities of Each Myers Briggs Type
I don't always pay compliments, but when I do, I spread them out in affordable monthly installments. It's good to give credit where credit is due and among the 16 Myers Briggs personality types, there are many interesting features to highlight. (more…)
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Worst Traits Of Each Myers Briggs Type
Everyone loves to hear about their best qualities and let the bad stuff get swept under the rug. However, one of the gifts of cognitive theory and the MBTI is the insight it offers about our deficiencies and short comings. Being mindful and aware of our weaknesses makes it easier to hone in on and develop them. Here is a list of the worst traits of each of the Myers-Briggs types.