mbti list

20 MBTI tumblr Posts That Are Pretty Spot On
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]umblr is a breeding ground of frivolous mbti lists ranging from hilarious to remarkably poignant. Here is a collection of some of the more notable mbti posts found on tumblr. (more…)
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5 Reasons Why INFJs fall for INTPs
The INFJ-INTP Golden Couple Despite what type theories might suggest, I believe just about any pair of MBTI personalities have a fighting chance at forming a happy relationship. INTJs for example, are supposedly least compatible with Artisans (SPs) and Guardians (SJs) but a self proclaimed INTJ Youtuber named Ben has testified to being happily married…
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6 Reasons Why INTJ and INFJ Fall In Love
The INTJ and INFJ combination is one that looks good on paper mainly because of the shared intuition preference, specifically that of dominant introverted intuition. David Keirsey, author of “Please Understand Me” posited that types who share the same perceiving preference (“N” or “S” regardless of their introverted/extraverted attitude) are more likely to get along…
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6 Reasons Why INFP and INFJ Fall In Love
On the question of compatibility between Myers Briggs types, it is generally accepted that in matters of romance and friendship, idealists pair best with other idealists. This notion is supported by a study published in the book “Just Your Type” by Tieger and Barron-Tieger (2000). Idealists in the sample reported a higher satisfaction rating with…
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6 Reasons Why ENFP and INFJ Fall In Love
According to David Keirsey, author of “Please Understand Me”, Rationals and Idealists get along well due to their shared preference for intuition. A mutual perceiving preference was by Keirsey’s estimation, the crux of a beautiful relationship supposedly because it fosters better understanding and communication. As it turns out, Idealists pair best with other idealists. Tieger…
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Personal Growth For Each Myers Briggs Personality Type
You have only one life to live and what you get out of it largely depends on your ability to grow and develop as a person. Each of us has a unique story and life path to follow and along the way will come challenges that reveal our strengths and expose our weaknesses. Using the…
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Research Statistics About Each MBTI Personality
Research On the MBTI Personality Types There have been many MBTI studies designed to test and supplement the psychological typing system with empirical data. Fortunately for us, we benefit from generations of data already collected, and much of it holds up well with Jung's ideas. More importantly, these studies provide scientific analysis with which to…
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35 Undeniable Signs You’re An INTP
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]or someone new to the MBTI, learning about your type can be an illuminating and revelatory experience. But even after taking a MBTI assessment, some people after reading about their Myers Briggs type, may doubt whether their test result is accurate. This is probably due mostly to the concern over the authenticity of one’s responses…
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100 Deep Quotes From Famous INTP People
With all that introverted thinking they do, it is no wonder why INTP people develop insights that are profound, poignant and deeply thoughtful. The INTP mind transcends the limitations of concrete reality to ponder concepts and potentiations plucked from the ethereal tree of their imagination. Their thinking often starts with one idea and then ramifies…
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100 Life Quotes By Famous INTJ People
Being such a small percentage of the population, people of the INTJ personality type are bound to have perspectives that are unusual and different from that of the majority. Here are a collection of INTJ quotes about life that illustrate the INTJ point of view. If you are an INTJ, you will likely resonate with…
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The 8 Rules of INTJ Club | How To Be INTJ
INTJs have strong principles and many live spartan lifestyles most people couldn’t handle. They forgo many of the gratuitous comforts most people depend on and instead put their focus on completing tasks to an almost obsessive degree. It should come as no surprise then that they are among the top 4 highest earning personality types in the MBTI.

INFJ Relationships With Each Myers Briggs Type
Getting into a relationship with an INFJ can be challenging. INFJ people are very shrewd and they put careful thought and consideration into personal decisions including who they associate with and open themselves up to. This extends into matters of dating and the process of partner selection where they put their sensitive hearts and emotional…
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6 Reasons Why INTJs Love ENFPs
According to David Keirsey, the creator of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and author of “Please Understand Me", the INTJ and ENFP personality types go together like PB & J. They are opposite in every letter except for one, and so for all intents and purposes this is a clear case of “opposites attract”. The basis…
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25 INTJ Statistics | Facts About INTJ
The INTJ, also known as "the mastermind" and "the architect" is one of the more mysterious and difficult to get-to-know personalities in the MBTI. Here are 25 statistics about the INTJ that you might find interesting. (more…)
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25 Interesting INTP Statistics & Facts
The INTP is one of the rarest personality types in the Myers Briggs, especially among women. And as their minority status might suggest, their way of life is bound to run counter to the social norms of the majority. There are many studies out there that have tested various aspects of MBTI personality types. Here…
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