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7 Major Weaknesses of the INFP Personality

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With each MBTI personality there are a number of associated strengths and weaknesses. For the INFP, this is no different. Everything is not always peaches and rainbows and there are a number of challenges and struggles that come with being an INFP. Here are 7 of the major weaknesses of the INFP personality type.

1. Indecision and Non-commitment

As perceivers, INFPs are noted as being adaptive, open minded and flexible. They tend to resist being locked into long term commitments or limiting their options. For this reason, INFPs can struggle with many decisions and find it hard to fully commit to anything outside of their passionate interests for fear that they could be settling for something less than what they could potentially get. INFPs make decisions according to their personal values and feelings. What feels right to them will ultimately dictate what they will or will not do. Although they may have pretty consistent values and principles governing their choices, INFPs may be subject to sudden changes of heart that lead to actions that appear irrational and irresponsible. INFPs tend to have strong values and opinions but making practical decisions in their everyday life can often be a dilemma for them.

2. Lack of Objectivity

As someone who makes choices primarily based on what feels right to them, INFPs may be susceptible to making decisions that appear inconsistent in their application. This is because they are based more on an internal standard than an external one. INFPs may sometimes get confronted with facts and figures that conflict with what they earnestly believe or want to believe. For INFPs, their idealism and subjective notions about reality can feel more real to them than reality itself. Their idealism can often defy logic and this can sometimes do more harm than good depending on the situation. INFP may have a tougher time accepting inconvenient truths and may be guilty of the occasional cognitive dissonance. They can be exceedingly tenacious in their faith and commitment to what they “know” in their heart. When it comes to their personal values, they can be stubborn and in denial when reality doesn’t validate their hopes and dreams.

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3. Absent-mindedness and Overlooking Details

For INFPs, tending to the details is not their forte. Although they can be very perfectionistic about certain things, their minds frequently check out from reality and drift away like a hot air balloon. They may often get reprimanded for not paying enough attention or following instructions properly. INFPs tend to focus on the bigger picture, extracting a more general impression or gist of everything. Consequently they can miss or overlook some important and relevant specifics. This can extend to a lack of mindfulness of their responsibilities for which they may also be negligent. Handling the mundane, day-to-day tasks is something that INFPs can easily forget to do when their attention is so often preoccupied in la la land.

4. Impractical Thinking

As their inferior Te (extraverted thinking) would suggest, INFPs place a lower emphasis on efficiency and going about their lives in a highly regimented and systematic fashion. INFPs tend to view such lifestyles to be restrictive and boring. They favor instead a more exploratory way of life that emphasizes the process of discovery and creativity, however impractical. Consequently, INFPs may often get blinded by their idealism and overlook the logistical sustainability of their ideas or expectations. Furthermore, INFPs can sometimes get too attached to doing things differently or in their own way and sometimes run into obstacles that could have easily been avoided had they followed a more conventional and practical approach. INFPs may struggle to keep their lives organized and running smoothly. When they do exercise their inferior Te, it is often under stressful circumstances and INFPs can become pushy, hyper-critical and judgmental of their and others shortcomings.

5. Being Too Hard on Themselves

INFPs are sensitive and can often take minor things too personally. Criticism and negative feedback can easily make the INFP feel attacked. Additionally, they can get down on themselves about their failures and mistakes. INFPs can lose sleep over things they’ve said or done to someone and wish they could take back. Their conscience is a neurotic voice in the back of their head that can give them a lot of grief. INFP can really wallow in their own self pity and despair, perhaps because in some ways, they relish their sorrow? After all, it does give them material to write songs, poems and stories. Still, INFPs take their values, ethics and moral codes —whatever they may be— very seriously and when they feel they’ve fallen short of those standards, the disappointment can haunt them.

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6. Verbal Communication and Socializing

As introverts, INFPs can be very isolated and generally find it difficult to express themselves verbally as well as they do in their writing. Social inhibition can make them stumble over their words and come across vague and cagey. INFPs tend to be more thoughtful and artful about their word choice and so communication in real time often doesn’t allow them enough time to organize their thoughts and feelings adequately. Although INFPs tend to make for highly imaginative and eloquent writers, their verbal communication skills are often not quite up to par. Of course, this can be developed with effort and INFPs who engage and strengthen their social muscles will no doubt be able to impress others with their verbal wit as well as their literary one. INFPs generally prefer to communicate via text and email much more than face-to-face or over the phone.

7. Time Management

INFPs tend to be in a struggle with time. They’re either constantly running late or arriving too early. Managing their time effectively is a skill that INFPs have to work at. INFPs may often have 1001 things they want to do but fail to accomplish a single one of them if they don’t work out a realistic plan of attack. When they’re revved up and motivated, they can get overzealous and scatter their energies too broadly. Blocking out time and not allowing themselves to get sidetracked is essential. Their dislike of routine can make it hard but incorporating some rituals and routines can help simplify their lives and help them focus and get more done.

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