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What Each MBTI Type Is Like As A Friend

mbti friends

Just like with relationship compatibility, when it comes to MBTI friendships, some types may naturally get along better than others. But what type of friend are they? Here is a look at the kind of friend you are based on Myers-Briggs type.


INFP can be very bashful and so forming friendships may be challenging for them. Of the friendships they do build, they are likely to cherish and cling to them tightly. As a friend, INFPs are warm and laid back but may also be territorial. They can sometimes get jealous when seeing their friends spending time with other people. At the same time, their need for personal space may cause them to go AWOL occasionally. INFPs are highly supportive and loyal though and are a trustworthy confidante to their pals. They can place themselves in other people’s shoes and feel what they’re going through. When INFPs get hurt though (and they get hurt easily) they may clam up and internalize rather than express. Friends who know them well can sense when something is wrong, but it can take some effort to get INFP to spill the beans.


ENFPs are drawn to people who share their open mindedness and passion for authenticity and liberty. As a friend, they are warm, affectionately snarky and full of quirk. They love to talk and can go for hours hashing out their thoughts. They are amusing conversationalists and know how to tell a tale, often embellishing it to make what they say even more interesting. ENFPs stick up for their friends and may do so unconditionally. This could be a bad thing if ENFPs decide their loyalties supercede doing what is objectively right. They are great motivational coaches though, and they can cheer up their friends and lift their spirits by helping them elevate their perspective and see the bright side to almost any situation.


Although INFJs can mesh well with many people, there are really only a few select people they truly call their friend. This is because they prefer investing in meaningful, authentic connections over numerous shallow friendships. As a friend, INFJs are very thoughtful and affectionate. When they are with their BFF, the quirky, silly side that is usually concealed by their inhibition may come shining through. They prefer being with their friends in intimate one-on-one settings where they can cultivate a meaningful connection with their comrades. When they are amongst a group of people INFJs can be distinctly inhibited than they would otherwise be. INFJs enjoy listening to their friends talk and having frank discussions about their thoughts and perspectives on important issues often revolving around society, family and their future..  


ENFJs feel like they can be a friend to almost anyone. They are very inclusive and can treat even strangers with the kind of warmth usually witnessed between old friends. As a friend, ENFJs take it upon themselves to look after their cohorts and may often be one of the more responsible members of their entourage. They may be the one who frequently comes to the rescue and bails their perceiver friends out of trouble. ENFJs have fun but they are more dependable and mature as far as friends go. They like being the ones to plan activities with the input of everyone involved.

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Becoming close friends with an INTP can be a challenge. Most people are kept at a certain distance outside the INTP’s discomfort zone. When they encounter someone with whom they share common interest and similar thinking styles, the quiet and reserved INTP may become surprisingly enthusiastic and chatty. As a friend, the INTP rarely initiates get-togethers but is usually willing to hangout when invited. They mostly like discussing intellectually/philosophically rich topics, chilling at bookstores and libraries and playing video games. INTPs tend to be homebodies though. They don’t like to disappoint friends but may sometimes back out from or cancel engagements on short notice.


As a friend, ENTPs are fun and spontaneous. They are talkative and humorous companions who seem to think highly of their intellect. They like attention and have an underlying need for approval that motivates them to try and be the most interesting person in the room. Because they get easily bored, ENTPs will often amuse themselves by poking the hornet’s nest and stirring the pot with their cheeky nature. They are fond of practical jokes and pulling silly pranks on their friends. ENTP friends prefer hanging out in mentally stimulating places doing mentally stimulating things where they can learn and discuss. Their interactions are characterized by spitballing ideas and making random observations that make others laugh.  


Being accepted by INTJ as a friend means that INTJ has respect for the way you think. INTJs typically feel self-sufficient and without much need for the company or counsel of other people. They can have many acquaintances but few if any, actual friendships. When they meet people, they are quick to assess whether or not a person has any friendship potential. They have a mental checklist. Loud, annoying and daft people are instantly disqualified. INTJs are more likely to prefer in a friend, someone more homodoxical to them than what they might otherwise go for in a romantic partner. As a friend, INTJs prefer to plan time spent with friends. They are not fans of spontaneous unannounced visits.


As a friend, ENTJs are great at dispensing valuable and actionable advice to their friends. The quality of their counsel lies in the big picture perspective they have and their ability to see past the irrelevant distractions to highlight what’s most important. Their personalities can be very strong and their outspoken nature can naturally take center stage among their group of friends. They enjoy making time for friends but are not crazy about unplanned visits or uninvited guests. Friends respect them for their aptitude and dynamic character. They take their commitments to their friends seriously and will always let them know when they cannot fulfill or meet obligations and scheduled engagements.


As friends, ISTJs prefer hanging out with their pals doing relatively simple and casual things like playing board games or video games. They may form special rituals around their favorite activities like Bingo night or watching Sunday night football. ISTJs typically prefer to spend time with friends in familiar comfortable settings rather than go out for a night on the town or to some loud and boisterous event. ISTJ friends are very trustworthy and dependable. They may not be especially expressive of how much they care but they show it in the way they selflessly come through for them when needed.

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ESTJ friends can seem judgemental but it typically (or theoretically) comes from a well-intentioned place. They are classically loyal and outgoing and enjoy doing group activities and going to fancy social functions. They may have a wide number of superficial friendships but they seek stronger bonds with people they can trust. ESTJs enjoy hanging out at sporting events or cookouts. In whatever capacity they hang out with friends, ESTJs will want to take an active role and play an important part in the proceedings.


ISFJ friends are down to earth and kind. They enjoy chilling and chatting in comfortable settings without too much distractions. ISFJs display a lot of thoughtfulness for their friends and are apt to do nice things for them just because it makes them feel good. They enjoy casual conversation about their life drama and experiences. They may sometimes surprise their friends with the things they can remember. Their memories are typically very strong because of their attachments to the past. ISFJs are likely to remember birthdays,  commemorative events and special milestones shared with their friends. ISFJs can be hurt when their friends don’t remember significant things about them that they should know.


ESFJs are loyal to their friends to almost an unconditional degree. Friendships are very important to them because ESFJs hate feeling alone and cut off from others. Keeping in touch is their forte and so whether it is via text, email, or phone call, ESFJs are always communicating one way or another. ESFJs care a great deal about what their friends think and are heavily influenced by their opinions. They are very enthusiastic and upbeat and usually the first to suggest opportunities and events at which the group can convene. They love orchestrating and delegating but they also seek to do much on their part. They anticipate what will be needed and make many preparations with the intention of maximizing comfort and good times for all.


ISTP friends are handy in many situations. They seem to know how to fix things that you didn’t know were even broken. Although they are pretty private, ISTPs are happy to let friends into their inner world to share what they are passionate about. ISTPs like to spend time with friends doing physically stimulating and entertaining things like hiking, playing sports, or watching movies. ISTPs connect with people through their hobbies and shared interests. They do not relate as well to intuitive types who take pleasure in simply discussing and theorizing about things all day. ISTPs can be difficult to establish a deep bond with. Even amongst their friends, they can be a mystery because of how emotionally detached they tend to be. Furthermore, ISTPs can often detach and move on from many ended friendships with little issue.


The ESTP friend is someone who wants to go on adventures and escapades and take their entourage along with them. They are very outgoing and so hanging out at home or doing “Netflix and chill” is not quite their idea of fun. Most of the time, they want to be where the action and excitement is and will seek physically stimulating venues like the beach, the gym, or anywhere something big and eventful is happening. ESTPs enjoy sharing their experiences with their friends and cohorts. They are humorous companions and are likely to engage in some competition with their pals. They may like to think they are the alpha of their group or at least an alpha recognized among a group of other alphas.



The ISFP friend is someone who wants to have fun and make memories with their friends. Despite their introverted nature, ISFPs do enjoy going out and having the opportunity to experience something exciting so they can feel alive and titillated. They like being with their trusted coterie of friends and colleagues who share their open mind and fun loving spirit. They are sensitive to criticism and negativity from friends can be especially hurtful. As a friend they are easy going and supportive. When this is reciprocated, ISFPs can really be happy and be playful and humorous. They don’t mind hamming it up and can be a show off in front of their friends.


ESFP friends are almost always game-on for fun and excitement. They are restless and want to live and experience life for all it’s worth and share the good times with cool people. As a friend they are super enthusiastic and positive. They relish attention and can easily steal the show whenever they go out. With friends, they are cheeky and loud and full of laughs and smiles. They bring great energy and can be the life of the party but sometimes go too far with risky and irresponsible behaviors. ESFPs are sensitive and can feel affronted by criticism from  friends. They don’t like being lectured to but being guilt tripped can spur them to rethink their actions. They can be feisty and emotional though and sometimes get into impassioned arguments over transient things.


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Jetta Moon
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