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7 Struggles of Being an ENTP

entp struggles

ENTPs are extroverts with a mercurial and restless temperament. They are ingenious, alert and fueled by a constant thirst for novelty and intellectual stimulus. They gravitate toward the new and unknown and away from the familiar and routine. However, for all their strengths, and abilities, life can pose special challenges to the ENTP personality type. Here are 7 struggles associated with being an ENTP.

1. ENTP Insomnia

ENTPs may often suffer from anxiety and restlessness that interferes with a restful sleep. Erratic sleeping patterns either from too much or too little sleep are associated with this type. ENTPs can find it difficult to shut off their mind and go to sleep and may instead binge on random internet searches and lurk the message boards until the wee hours of the morning. ENTPs can be real night owls who enjoy staying up and having long thought-provoking discussions. This of course may come at the expense to their performance and ability to function during the day.

2. ENTP Forgetfulness.

Because their minds are drawn in so many directions, ENTPs can be highly distractible and unfocused. This scatter-mindedness is associated with their dominant extraverted intuition (Ne) preference that operates at the expense of introverted sensing (Si). With their inferior Si, ENTPs are inclined to overlook details, get details mixed up, and forget steps and procedures. ENTPs can also struggle to stay on top of their schedules and responsibilities and fail to remember small but important things like dates and names or paying their bills on time.

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3. ENTP Time Management.

ENTPs can get easily sidetracked and end up missing or running late for appointments. Keeping their life in smooth running order can be tricky because ENTPs often don’t put much effort in organizing their external world which could help simplify their life. They are more interested exploring possibilities and keeping their options open which can also contribute to indecision and barely meeting deadlines.

4. Handling Daily Routines.

ENTPs are spontaneous and adaptable and tend to find schedules and mundane responsibilities to be restrictive and boring. Because most jobs involve Te-heavy regulation and procedure, this can make it difficult for ENTPs to find work that is sufficiently engaging and satisfying to them. ENTPs may lack diligence in tending to the everyday tedious errands and duties required of them.

5. ENTP Fear of Not Being Taken Seriously.

With their tertiary Fe, ENTPs have a certain desire for validation and appreciation by others. ENTPs have been reported as having a fear of not having any substance, or not contributing anything of value and not being taken seriously. For this reason, they may take greater pride in completing the projects that require extended, methodical and detailed effort rather than just the freeform ingenuity and innovativeness that comes most naturally to them.

6. ENTP & ADD or ADHD.

ENTPs are said to be commonly diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. As a dominant Ne user, it can be difficult for ENTPs to bunker down and maintain prolonged concentration on a single task. They have a tendency to jump from one task to another without completing anything. Furthermore, ENTPs may often seem to speak randomly without having a clear point in mind. They are able to entertain and casually shift between so many perspectives that it can be hard to understand where exactly ENTP truly stands on an issue.

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7. ENTP Hypochondria.

With their inferior Si, ENTPs may often feel out of sorts with their internal physical being. Inferior Si is associated with a lesser sense of bodily awareness and physical wellbeing. In response, ENTPs may develop psychosomatic illnesses brought about by excess worry about perceived symptoms of illness. This extra attention and focus can worsen a condition or manifest one that otherwise didn’t exist.

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Jetta Moon
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