mbti list

What Each MBTI Type Is Like As A Friend

What Makes Each MBTI Type Sexy

The Leadership Style of Each MBTI Type

How Each MBTI Type Uses Extraverted Feeling

Emotional Triggers of Each MBTI Type
An emotional trigger is a pattern of stimuli that can predictably invoke an emotional response. Here is a look at what potentially sets off each MBTI type emotionally.

The Moral Compass of Each MBTI Type
Here is a look at the type of moral compass likely to be characteristic of each Myers-Briggs personality.

Secrets About Each MBTI Type
Here is a rundown of the some the “secrets” behind each Myers Briggs personality type.

How Each MBTI Type Processes Emotions
For each MBTI personality type, the way in which emotions are processed and dealt with will no doubt differ. Here is a look at how you process emotion according to your Myers Briggs type.

What Each MBTI Type Seeks In A Soulmate
The picture of “the perfect mate” will be different for each person. Here’s what each MBTI type looks for in a soulmate.

The MBTI Types of the Riverdale TV Series Characters
We’ve decided to put our beloved Riverdale characters under the microscope and figure out what on Earth is going on in their heads by figuring out their MBTI personality type.

The Fatal Flaw of Each MBTI Type In Relationships
In the process of trying to find love, we may sometimes sabotage ourselves and each Myers-Briggs type may have some tendencies that serve as a detriment to their own happiness. Here is the personality flaw most likely to cause each MBTI type’s relationship to go bust.

The Hidden Superpower of Each MBTI Type
In the real world, there are no Spidermen, no mutants or hulking radioactive brutes to protect earth. However, although no one can fire pulsar beams from their palms or leap tall buildings in a single bound, your MBTI type imbues you with special powers that come with great responsibility. Here’s what hidden superpower you have according to your Myers Briggs Personality Type.

35 Signs That You have An INTJ Personality
Here are 35 signs you might be an INTJ personality type.

35 ENFP Traits That Confirm You Are One
ENFP is one of the 16 Myers Briggs personality types. ENFP stands for Extraverted, Intuitive, feeling, Perceiving. ENFPs are creative extroverts who prefer flexibility and adaptability rather than adhere to strict plans and schemes.

Why The MBTI Types Are Sleep Deprived
Regardless of MBTI type, getting enough sleep is vital for wellbeing. Not snoozing enough has serious effects on your mood, health and concentration. Of course, sleeping too much can also be a problem… but that’s for another discussion. Here’s why each MBTI type is likely to become sleep deprived.