mbti list

INFJ strengths: 7 Best Traits of INFJ
The INFJ personality is an introverted empath with an eye on the future. Estimated at 1-3% of the population, INFJs are considered to be the rarest MBTI type of all. That’s too bad because these types offer a lot of good things to the world. Here is a look at 7 strengths associated with being…
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The Arch Nemesis of Each MBTI Type
Each MBTI type has a type opposite comprised of all the same functions but in reverse order. This opposite type is likely to pose the greatest difficulty for getting along harmoniously. Misunderstandings and clashes are likely to arise whenever these types encounter one another. Here is a look at the “arch nemesis” of each of…
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ENTP Strengths – 7 Advantages of Being ENTP
ENTP forms one of the 4 MBTI types in the temperament group known as the Rationals. Being an ENTP encompasses a number of strengths that prove advantageous to them. Here is a look at 7 strengths associated with being an ENTP. (more…)
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INTP Strengths – 7 Advantages of Being INTP
As a type, the INTP’s core personality strengths center around their dominant Ti and auxiliary Ne. These two functions, in this particular order of preference, engenders a highly introspective and analytical mind that draws from the external world, a breadth of inspiring novelties, possibilities and meanings. Here is a look at 7 personality strengths associated…
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How Adaptable You Are Based on MBTI Type
In the MBTI, perceiver types are, by definition, more adaptable than judging types. However, perceivers can be inflexible about certain things and judgers can more pliant about other things. Here is a look at how adaptable each MBTI type is. (more…)
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ESTJ Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ESTJ
The ESTJ is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. They are one of the 4 types comprising the guardian temperament group, along with ISTJ, ESFJ and ISFJ. They have been dubbed as, "The Logistical supervisor", "the Guardians", and "the executive". Among their strengths is their reliability and diligence, organization ability, and ability to take…
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ESTP Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ESTP
ESTP is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. They comprise part of the temperament group known as "The Artisans" along with ISFP, ISTP, ESFP. ESTPs have been referred as such things as "the entrepreneur", "the tactical promoter", and "the doer". They possess a number of positive attributes including a youthful spirit, an ability to…
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The Courage You Display Based on MBTI Type
Courage is a virtue we all value. It is also an asset some of us have in more abundance than others. Courage comes in various forms and we need it to deal with everyday life. Here's a look at the type of courage that is most characteristic of each of the MBTI personality types. (more…)
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ESFP Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ESFP
The ESFP is one of the 16 MBTI personality types and is grouped along with the ESTP, ISTP, and ISFP as part of the "Artisan" temperament group. ESFPs have been referred to as such things as "the performers", "the Tactical performer", and "the Entertainer". Among their positive traits is their light and carefree attitude, humor…
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ISFP Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ISFP
ISFP is one of the 16 MBTI personalities and forms part of the temperament group known as the “artisans” along with ESFP, ESTP and ISTP. The ISFP has been described as a “tactical composer”, “artist” and “adventurer”. Among their strengths is the ability to adapt and improvise, creative expression, and open-mindedness. As with each of…
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ENTJ Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ENTJ
ENTJ is one of the 16 MBTI personality types and is grouped alongside the INTJ, INTP and ENTP as part of the temperament group known as “the Rationals”. ENTJs have been referred as “the executive”, “strategic fieldmarshal” and “commander”. Their strengths include an ability to devise effective plans and strategies, focus on goals and manage…
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ISFJ Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ISFJ
The ISFJ is one of the 16 MBTI personalities and is grouped along with the ESFJ, ESTJ and ISTJ as part of the temperament group known as the Guardians. The ISFJ has been dubbed as a number of things such as “defender”, “logistical protector” and “nurturer”. The strengths of this personality type include an attention…
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ISTP Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ISTP
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnZ2_KXU3wo The ISTP is one of the 16 MBTI personalities and comprises part of the Temperament group known as the “Artisans” which also includes the ESTP, ESFP and ISFP types. The ISTP has been dubbed many things such as the “mechanic”, “virtuoso” and “Tactical Crafter”. They are introverts noted for their prowess with tools and…
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ENFJ Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ENFJ
The ENFJ is a type described as the “Diplomatic Teacher”, “Giver” and “protagonist”. These labels offer a clue as to the leadership, idealism and charity associated with this personality type. However, for all their virtues and strengths, the ENFJ type also contends with its share of problematic areas. Here is a look at 7 weaknesses…
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ESFJ Weaknesses: 7 Struggles of the ESFJ Personality
The ESFJ is described as the “caregiver”, “consul” and “provider”. These helpful souls have a desire to support others and foster cohesion and teamwork to achieve a common goal. Practical skills like organization and social intelligence are among their positive characteristics but this personality also comes with its share of struggles. Here is a look…
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