ISFJ and ISTJ in love: 5 Essential Dynamics of their Relationship
The MBTI types ISFJ and ISTJ are members of the guardian temperament group defined by David Keirsey, author of the book “Please Understand Me”. These two personalities are noted for their modest commitment to duty and responsibility. (more…)
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ISTJ Shadow: The Dark Side of ISTJ
The cognitive functions of each MBTI type represent the perspectives and preferences embraced by the conscious ego. These cognitive functions explain a lot about the ways in which we orient ourselves and manage our lives. However, there are other parts of our personality that we reject from our ego identity. These parts constitute what is…
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ISTJ Personality Type: the “Logistician”
The ISTJ personality type has been dubbed as the “logistical Inspector” and “logistician”. Estimated at around 10% of the population, they are among the more common personality types in the MBTI —and thankfully so. People of this type are the salt of the earth. Duty-bound and earnest, these individuals are often found in the cornerstone…
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ISTJ Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ISTJ
The ISTJ personality, along with the other 15 types in the MBTI, have their share of strengths and weaknesses. Here is a look at 7 of the weak points associated with the ISTJ personality type. (more…)
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35 Signs You are an ISTJ Personality
ISTJ are one of the 16 MBTI personality types. They are said to comprise as much as 10% of the population according to certain estimates. The ISTJ type has been dubbed the “logitistical inspector” by David Keirsey and belongs to the guardian temperament group along with ESTJ, ISFJ and ESFJ. ISTJs are noted for their…
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12 Shades of ISTJ: MBTI & the Zodiac
ISTJ & the Zodiac The ISTJ personality is referred to as the “logistical inspector” by David Keirsey in his book “Please Understand Me 2”. ISTJs are regarded for their assiduous nature and attention to detail. They are reserved and responsible individuals who can be counted on to get the job done in a timely and…
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6 High Paying Jobs For ISTJs
ISTJs are detail-oriented introverts who are dutiful and responsible in nature. In a national sample, ISTJs reported "clear structure", "independence and achievement", "loyalty & security", and "variety of tasks" as being the most important features desired of their work environment. They are good at following the rules and doing things by the book. They can…
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ISTJ vs INTJ ~ How To Tell Them Apart
"I+I" by iNeedChemicalX INTJ vs ISTJ MBTI[ads_hr hr_style="hr-dots"] On the surface, the ISTJ and INTJ similarities can make them appear almost identical to one another. Generally speaking, ISTJ and INTJ both exude a flat affect with a lack of warmth and congeniality. They are both cerebral and phlegmatic in their temperament and may act a…
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33 Struggles of Being An Introvert
In recent times it's become more fashionable to be an introvert. A spate of pro-introvert books including Susan Cain's Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, probably had a large role in catalyzing this cultural shift in attitude. That still doesn't change the fact that the world is dominated by and mostly catered…
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33 Things Only Thinkers Will Relate To
"Soothing moments" by adrianismyname I Think Therefore I am... a "thinker"? Every conscious man and woman thinks, but true thinkers are cerebral to a fault. Logic is favored over sentiment; rationality over feeling. For those uncertain over what side of the fence they fall on, here are 33 things only thinkers will relate to. You've…
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