The Secret Life of INFJ: 23 Things INFJs Wish People Understood About Them
image credit: Allef Vinicius The INFJ is often seen as the archetypal 'old soul.' We're the introverts who prefer deep conversations, the ones who always have a book on hand, and the ones who find 16 things that we're passionate about and stick with them for life. We're also the ones who are constantly misunderstood.…
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INFJ Bad Romance: 6 Common INFJ Relationship Problems
When it comes to relationships, INFJs do not mess around. They don’t give their hearts away easily and so when they do choose to invest themselves in a relationship, it is with serious intent. They are out to find a soulmate or at least someone who fits nicely into their long term future. Although they…
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INFP vs INFJ: 5 Features That Set Them Apart
As introverted idealists, the INFP and INFJ share many similarities. They are both introverted, abstract and imaginative. They also share a stronger regard for their humanity than for technical knowledge and cold logic. Because they are both INFX types, they appear very similar but in fact share none of the same cognitive functions. Each of…
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INFJ vs INTJ: Differences and Similarities
The INFJ and INTJ are similar with regard to their penchant for abstract thinking and exploring the deeper meaning and significance of what’s happening around and within themselves. They are forward thinking and tend to make carefully planned decisions with a future goal or purpose in mind. INFJ and INTJ both share a strong vision…
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INFJ Compatibility with the Rational Types
In the MBTI, there is no right or wrong pairing when it comes to matchmaking. However, it stands to reason that some types will get along more easily than others. Type differences can create certain challenges that may possibly be remedied or mitigated by fostering better understanding and awareness of each person’s needs in the…
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INFJ Personality Type: the “Advocate”
The INFJ is one of 16 Myers Briggs personality types. They are described as the “advocate” and “diplomatic counselor”. These terms hint at the humane and supportive nature of this type. At roughly 1% of the population, INFJs are also the least common MBTI type. They are introverts, but because of how sociable they can…
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INFJ in Love: 6 Things To Love About INFJ.
When it comes to love and romance, INFJs have a lot to offer. They are fairy tail romantics with lofty ideals. They are emotionally complex and enigmatic. To woo them, you will have to prove yourself an interesting and layered individual in your own right. Getting to know them better can be a challenge, but…
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INFJ strengths: 7 Best Traits of INFJ
The INFJ personality is an introverted empath with an eye on the future. Estimated at 1-3% of the population, INFJs are considered to be the rarest MBTI type of all. That’s too bad because these types offer a lot of good things to the world. Here is a look at 7 strengths associated with being…
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The Dark Side of the INFJ Personality
Each MBTI type features a positive and negative side of its expression. When it comes to the INFJ, this darker side can seem especially unsettling for loved ones accustomed to their gentle and compassionate nature. Here is a list of aspects about the INFJ dark side. (more…)
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7 Major Weaknesses of the INFJ Personality
INFJs have a number of great qualities and strengths including their creativity, compassion, interpersonal insight and selfless devotion. But as with the other personality types, INFJs also a number of weaknesses and things that hold them back or compromise their self interests. Here is a list of the 7 major weaknesses of the INFJ personality type.

6 Excellent Career Matches For INFJs
For INFJs, the ideal career is one that empowers them to take excellent care of their family and spend plenty of time with them but also gives them a meaningful purpose in the context of society. They would like to be doing something that makes a difference and serves to ease some of the suffering…
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6 Careers INFJs Should Probably Avoid
If you’ve heard about the Myers-Briggs Personality Test, chances are you have dived into this complex personality test to figure out where you stand. According to the test, there are sixteen personality types, with INFJ being the rarest of them all. Do you fall into the 2% who relate to this personality type? If so,…
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6 Reasons Why INFJ and ENTP Belong Together
According to psychologist David Keirsey, INFJ and ENTP are highly compatible in both a romantic relationship and friendship despite their differences function-wise. INFJ is an introvert/feeler who prefers structure, while ENTP is an extravert/thinker who prefers adaptability. It is their mutual preference for intuition (albeit of opposite attitudes) that Keirsey estimates to be the string…
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5 Reasons Why INFJs fall for INTPs
The INFJ-INTP Golden Couple Despite what type theories might suggest, I believe just about any pair of MBTI personalities have a fighting chance at forming a happy relationship. INTJs for example, are supposedly least compatible with Artisans (SPs) and Guardians (SJs) but a self proclaimed INTJ Youtuber named Ben has testified to being happily married…
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6 Reasons Why INTJ and INFJ Fall In Love
The INTJ and INFJ combination is one that looks good on paper mainly because of the shared intuition preference, specifically that of dominant introverted intuition. David Keirsey, author of “Please Understand Me” posited that types who share the same perceiving preference (“N” or “S” regardless of their introverted/extraverted attitude) are more likely to get along…
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