ENTP and ENTJ in love: 6 Critical Dynamics of Their Relationship.
ENTP and ENTJ are a pair of rational extroverts who share a mutual interest in novelty, innovation and intellectual challenge. By virtue of their shared preference for intuition over sensing, they are bound to have little trouble understanding and communicating with one another. Plus, according to a survey on thoughtcatalog.com, most ENTJ and ENTP participants…
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ENTP Personality Defined: The “Debater”
Clever, inventive, novelty seeking and persuasive, the ENTP is an extrovert who engages with the world in a creative, intellectually curious and adaptable manner. Restless and prone to boredom, These types crave variety and are always scanning for possibilities, new ideas and mentally stimulating activities to preoccupy themselves with. (more…)
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ENTP Shadow: The Dark Side of ENTP
The shadow type of ENTP is INTJ. According to Carl Jung, the shadow represents the unconscious mind and the darker aspects of personality such as our insecurities, anger and neuroses. In Jung’s theory, the inferior function (the weakest and least developed cognitive function) serves as the gateway to the shadow. A lot of what we…
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ENTP Strengths – 7 Advantages of Being ENTP
ENTP forms one of the 4 MBTI types in the temperament group known as the Rationals. Being an ENTP encompasses a number of strengths that prove advantageous to them. Here is a look at 7 strengths associated with being an ENTP. (more…)
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INTJ and ENTP Relationship Compatibility
ENTP and INTJ Relationship ENTP and INTJ are two of the 4 “Rational” types categorized as such by MBTI theorist and author, David Keirsey. In relationships, Rationals are described as loyal mates who are also uncomplaining, honest and non-possessive. Although, they can make for wonderful partners, establishing a close relationship with them can take more…
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7 Struggles of Being an ENTP
ENTPs are extroverts with a mercurial and restless temperament. They are ingenious, alert and fueled by a constant thirst for novelty and intellectual stimulus. They gravitate toward the new and unknown and away from the familiar and routine. However, for all their strengths, and abilities, life can pose special challenges to the ENTP personality type.…
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6 Reasons Why INFJ and ENTP Belong Together
According to psychologist David Keirsey, INFJ and ENTP are highly compatible in both a romantic relationship and friendship despite their differences function-wise. INFJ is an introvert/feeler who prefers structure, while ENTP is an extravert/thinker who prefers adaptability. It is their mutual preference for intuition (albeit of opposite attitudes) that Keirsey estimates to be the string…
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12 Shades of ENTP: MBTI & the Zodiac
No two ENTPs are completely alike. Sure they may all qualify as ENTP, but to what degree? Variations among the MBTI types have been attributed to factors such as maturity and level of development of the type’s composite functions. But what if astrology signs played a role as well? Most people are likely to have…
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99 Struggles Intuitive Types Will Understand
"beyond life and death" by TheSameLie Being an intuitive type isn't always a rosy chalice of cherry wine cooler. Comprising roughly 25% of the population, intuitives are a minority in a world dominated by sensors. And yet, intuitives account for the majority of the world's most brilliant and influential trailblazers and visionaries. Einstein (INTP), Newton (INTJ), Zuckerberg…
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33 Things Only Thinkers Will Relate To
"Soothing moments" by adrianismyname I Think Therefore I am... a "thinker"? Every conscious man and woman thinks, but true thinkers are cerebral to a fault. Logic is favored over sentiment; rationality over feeling. For those uncertain over what side of the fence they fall on, here are 33 things only thinkers will relate to. You've…
Read More ENTJ vs. ENTP: What’s the Difference | High on MBTI
Read More ENTP vs. INTP: How To Tell Them Apart | High on MBTI
When listening to type descriptions, remember that "type portraits" can never accurately describe all people of a given type. Descriptions and portraits like these can only describe the types as they typically are. In 'Psychological Types,' Jung describes 8 main types, but does in practice refer to the dominant-auxiliary combinations popularized by later authors,…
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