ISFJ and ISTJ in love: 5 Essential Dynamics of their Relationship
The MBTI types ISFJ and ISTJ are members of the guardian temperament group defined by David Keirsey, author of the book “Please Understand Me”. These two personalities are noted for their modest commitment to duty and responsibility. (more…)
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ISFJ Shadow: The Dark Side of ISFJ
The shadow is a concept introduced by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. The shadow represents what Jung believed to be the unconscious and repressed aspects of our personality that operate beneath our conscious awareness. The shadow stands in contrast to the conscious ego represented by our Myers-Briggs personality type. Although the shadow can manifest in negative…
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ISFJ Personality Type: the “Defender”
Loyal, caring, orderly and dependable, the ISFJ personality is a modest introvert with a nurturing spirit. Comprising roughly 8% of the general population, this is one of the more common MBTI types. Despite their introverted nature, ISFJs possess social intelligence that allows them to get along well with others. They have a desire to play…
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ISFJ Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ISFJ
The ISFJ is one of the 16 MBTI personalities and is grouped along with the ESFJ, ESTJ and ISTJ as part of the temperament group known as the Guardians. The ISFJ has been dubbed as a number of things such as “defender”, “logistical protector” and “nurturer”. The strengths of this personality type include an attention…
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12 Shades of ISFJ: MBTI & the Zodiac
ISFJ & the Zodiac The ISFJ is described as the “logistical protector” by David Keirsey in his book “Please Understand Me 2”. ISFJs are driven to be of service to others and they take special gratification from performing such acts. No two ISFJs are completely alike however and so we wonder whether astrology has anything…
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6 Best Paying Jobs For ISFJs
ISFJs are introverted sensors who enjoy being helpful and of service to others. In a national sample, people of this type reported a preference for careers that offer clear structure, security/loyalty, independence and variety. They are willing to do things by the book and try to keep things simple and organized. This MBTI type tends…
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The ISFJ Aries | MBTI & the Zodiac
An ISFJ Aries is an introvert who is likely to be a sensitive yet fierce protector of those they care for. Their deep compassion compels them to be a crusader of goodwill, helping the needy and unfortunate in trying to alleviate their suffering. The ISFJ Aries is bound to possess substantial emotional strength and passion.…
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33 Struggles of Being An Introvert
In recent times it's become more fashionable to be an introvert. A spate of pro-introvert books including Susan Cain's Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, probably had a large role in catalyzing this cultural shift in attitude. That still doesn't change the fact that the world is dominated by and mostly catered…
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