introverted narcissist

9 Signs You Or Someone You know Is An Introverted Narcissist

Not all Narcissists are bombastic and in-your-face. When it comes to narcissists, it is believed they come in 2 flavors: the grandiose and the covert. Narcissists of the grandiose variety are much easier to spot as they exhibit the overtly vane, exploitative, self-entitled, and aggressive behavior commonly associated with narcissism. The covert or vulnerable narcissist…
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10 High Paying Careers For Introverts

Introverts find themselves in a world dominated by extroverts and extrovert values. Most top paying professions promote the attributes of an entrepreneur; competitive, attention-seeking with a hunger to succeed and get ahead. A willingness to hobnob and play the social song and dance is often necessary. Fortunately for introverts, there are many alternate careers that not only obviate…
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