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Mercury in Gemini: Personality Characteristics

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Mercury in Gemini Personality

Within the sign of Gemini, Mercury engenders a mental orientation that is hard to pin down. People with Mercury in Gemini are very changeable in their thinking. They are mentally flexible and open to persuasion when presented with salient and cogent arguments. Furthermore, they can quickly latch onto anything that seems to make sense to them in the moment. At the same time they can just as suddenly break away on account of an epiphany or newfound ideology.

Their perspectives and worldviews are very fluid and mutable in nature. They have the capacity to entertain and acknowledge many different perspectives and points of view. Committing to a single ideology or worldview can be difficult as their sensibilities can change like the seasons. For this reason they can seem like charlatans and disingenuous ideologues who have no solid foundations and principles that ground them. They can be very good at mimicking and parroting perspectives and talking points that make them sound more knowledgeable and expert-like.

Individuals who have mercury in Gemini can be very adept in their use of language. They are prone to being highly verbal and articulate in their use of words and general means of communication and self-expression. They can convey a lot through their faces and physical gestures as well. Mentally restless and alert, the Gemini Mercury person can harbor a variety of interests that lead them to dabble in many things.

Like a scientist, they are curious about the world around them and naturally seek to investigate and explore in order to cultivate a better understanding of it. They love to learn and are highly inquisitive. In school they are likely to be avid and enthusiastic students who participate in group activities. They ask a lot of questions and teachers tend to find them delightful in the classroom. Furthermore they are constant consumers of information and enjoy pouring over news stories and books on a daily basis.

These individuals are essentially News hounds who like to stay in the know and be well informed about current news events. As a communicator, they can be highly loquacious and articulate. They are mentally wired to investigate and gather information. Additionally, they are keen on taking measures to enhance their ability to communicate effectively. It would not be unusual for them to read the dictionary or play word games and puzzles that test their vocabulary.

They can be real wordsmiths with a capacity for elaborate speaking skills. They may harbor a natural ability for public speaking or a knack for picking up new languages and various verbal skills. Learning is a way of life for them and they never lose their insatiable thirst to discover and expand their perceptions and understanding of the world around them. Moreover, they are likely to be socially engaging and able to engage and socialize well with complete strangers. There is likely to be a lot of nervous energy that needs to get worked out with mentally stimulating activity.

With Mercury in Gemini it is likely that human interaction is also important to them. They enjoy engaging with others in a social context. They are genuinely interested in people and exchanging ideas and hearing other people’s perspectives. They can be rather receptive and open to persuasion rather than be over committed to trying to win an argument or debate. In conversation they can be very amusing and talkative. Rarely at a loss for words, the Mercury and Gemini individual can often carry conversations on their own and avoid awkward silences.

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If anything they may have a pension for talking too much and May even annoys others who are not as willing to engage socially. The art of communication is a skill for which they are well suited to develop strong aptitude and ability. This Mercury position can signify intellectual gifts and a bright mind overall. They have the ability to grasp information relatively quickly and understand concepts that are abstract and theoretical. Generally speaking they can be very flexible and agile thinkers able to cleverly formulate witty and clever responses on the fly.

Mercury in Gemini in Relationships

In relationships, communication is very important to the Mercury and Gemini person. Romantic partnerships will be predicated on a solid basis of friendship and meaningful conversation. As a romantic partner, these individuals will likely enjoy spending a lot of time with significant other. They are responsive and quick to learn when it comes to understanding the needs of the other person.

They can be very perceptive and thoughtful and may even impress their partner by remembering dates and anniversaries so long as they are not overly distracted with their current preoccupations. In truth, long-term relationships may not be the center of their priorities or interests. Before they are ready to settle down they will likely engage in many frivolous and transient liaisons and romantic adventures with a variety of different people.

Mercury in Gemini Man

The Mercury and Gemini male is someone who is able to express themselves well verbally. They thrive on nervous energy which can often make them unpredictable and spontaneous with what comes out of their mouth. Whatever they are thinking or experiencing emotionally will likely come out in verbal form. Even if they have Mars in an emotionally charged position that makes them aggressive, they will rarely be moved to the point that they actually engage in physical violence.

They are usually able to vent and blow off steam by speaking their mind and perhaps talking it out with a sympathetic ear. Males with Mercury and Gemini are inclined to explore and approach problems both internal and external with thoughtful analysis and educated insight. They have a cerebral nature that allows them to take a step back and assess situations in a more objective and rational standpoint rather than from an emotional and feeling basis.

Mercury in Gemini Woman

The Mercury in Gemini female is someone who thinks and makes decisions from a more logical basis. They’re sharp and mentally acute and can also be cold in their ability to sever ties in relationships with others in a non-emotional way. Their way of communicating can be rather phlegmatic, anxious and lacking in warmth. They however can be very friendly and convivial once they get going.

Furthermore Gemini Mercury women tend to befriend others who are in line with their principles and interests. They take an active interest in participating in what’s going on around them in their immediate environments. They are highly curious and may dabble in a lot of things, much of which may be obscure and esoteric. Females with this Mercury placement may have a capacity for captivating and attracting others with their words and vocal talents.

mercury in gemini pin

Mercury in Gemini Ephemeris Dates

Want to know if your Mercury is in Gemini? Below is a table showing the dates on which Mercury occupies the sign of Gemini from 1970 to 2032. If your date of birth falls within any of the year and month parameters listed below, then your Mercury Sign is Gemini.

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Year Planet Sign Transit Period
1970 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 13 – JUN 29
1971 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 7 – JUN 20
1972 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 29 – JUN 10
1973 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 20 – JUN 2
1974 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 11 – MAY 28
1975 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 4 – JUL 11
1976 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ APR 29 – MAY 18 / JUN 13 – JUL 3
1977 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 10 – JUN 25
1978 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 3 – JUN 16
1979 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 26 – JUN 8
1980 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 16 – MAY 30
1981 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 8 – MAY 27
1982 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 1 – JUL 8
1983 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 14 – JUN 30
1984 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 7 – JUN 21
1985 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 30 – JUN 12
1986 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 22 – JUN 4
1987 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 13 – MAY 28
1988 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 4 – JUL 11
1989 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ APR 29 – MAY 27
1990 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 11 – JUN 26
1991 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 4 – JUN 18
1992 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 26 – JUN 8
1993 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 18 – MAY 31
1994 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 9 – JUL 1
1995 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 2 – JUL 9
1996 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 13 – JUL 1
1997 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 8 – JUN 22
1998 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 1 – JUN 14
1999 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 23 – JUN 5
2000 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 14 – MAY 28
2001 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 5 – JUL 11
2002 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ APR 30 – JUL 6
2003 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 12 – JUN 28
2004 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 5 – JUN 18
2005 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 28 – JUN 10
2006 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 19 – JUN 2
2007 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 11 – MAY 27
2008 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 2 – JUL 9
2009 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ APR 30 – MAY 12 / JUN 13 – JUL 2
2010 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 10 – JUN 24
2011 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 2 – JUN 15 
2012 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 24 – JUN 6
2013 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 15 – MAY 30 
2014 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 7 – MAY 28 / JUN 17 – JUL 11
2015 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ APR 30 – JUL 7
2016 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 12 – JUL 28
2017 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 6 – JUL 20
2018 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 29 – JUN 11
2019 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 21 – JUN 4
2020 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 11 – MAY 27
2021 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 3 – JUL 10
2022 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ APR 29 – MAY 21 / JUN 13 – JUL 4
2023 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 11 – JUN 25
2024 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 3 – JUN 16
2025 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 25 – JUN 7 
2026 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 17 – MAY 31
2027 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 8 – MAY 27
2028 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ APR 30 – JUL 7
2029 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 13 – JUN 30
2030 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ JUN 8 – JUN 21
2031 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 31 – JUN 13
2032 Mercury ☿ Gemini ♊ MAY 21 – JUN 4
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Mercury in Gemini Celebrities

  • Angelina Jolie – Born: Wednesday, June 4, 1975
  • Marilyn Monroe – Born: Tuesday, June 1, 1926
  • Tom Cruise – Born: Tuesday, July 3, 1962
  • Prince (musician) – Born: Saturday, June 7, 1958
  • Prince William, Duke of Cambridge – Born: Monday, June 21, 1982
  • Adele (singer) – Born: Thursday, May 5, 1988
  • Chris Brown – Born: Friday, May 5, 1989
  • 14th Dalai Lama – Born: Saturday, July 6, 1935
  • Tupac Shakur (rapper) – Born: Wednesday, June 16, 1971
  • Audrey Hepburn – Born: Saturday, May 4, 1929
  • Meryl Streep – Born: Wednesday, June 22, 1949
  • Paul McCartney – Born: Thursday, June 18, 1942
  • Nikola Tesla – Born: Thursday, July 10, 1856
  • Che Guevara – Born: Monday, May 14, 1928
  • Julie Gayet – Born: Saturday, June 3, 1972
  • Heidi Klum – Born: Friday, June 1, 1973
  • Russell Brand – Born: Wednesday, June 4, 1975
  • Kylie Minogue – Born: Tuesday, May 28, 1968
  • Johnny Hallyday – Born: Tuesday, June 15, 1943
  • Bob Dylan – Born: Saturday, May 24, 1941

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