
Pisces Sun Cancer Moon – “A Fish With Claws”
Pisces Sun Cancer Moon The pisces sun-cancer moon combination is likely to produce a personality that is highly sensitive and may possess a number of insecurities for which they build up defense mechanisms to protect against. This person whether male or female may possess a softer side to them, that they feel not at liberty…
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Pisces Sun-Gemini Moon – “A Fish Laced With Mercury”
Pisces Sun Gemini Moon The pisces sun gemini moon personality is a Pisces who probably has a bit of a gift for gab. Their temperament may be a bit eccentric but they are not necessarily weirdos. They are highly creative but prone to boredom and oftentimes may appear scatterbrained and very ADHD. Emotionally they may…
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Pisces Sun Taurus Moon The pisces sun taurus moon personality is a Pisces who doesn’t let too many things get under their skin. Their emotions are a bit more stable but they may a have a visceral response to money and threats to their security. They may either be a bit indulgent or spartan in…
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What Each MBTI Personality Hates
Everyone has a list of pet peeves that bug them. Here is a bucket of vexing things each Myers-Briggs type is likely to hate. What INTP Hates: Eating with other people. Rather eat alone in private peacefully. Glib, stupid questions: So how's life treating ya? When other people ignorantly assume what's good for…
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Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon
Sun in Aquarius - Moon in Scorpio - Avantgarde - You are someone with very strong convictions and ideals. You think for yourself and may often feel as though you know best. You possess boundless energy and passion which you try to channel into meaningful and fulfilling endeavors. An Aquarius sun person is likely to…
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6 Signs An INTP Likes You | How INTPs show love
How INTPs Show Affection How INTPs flirt and show love may differ from that of the norm. As introverts, INTPs are a socially awkward bunch. Social skills pose a steeper learning curve for them, as their inferior Fe would suggest. Because they love spending so much time in their heads where they are most comfortable,…
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Venus Square Pluto: Dangerous Obsession
Venus Square Pluto Natal Aspect The Venus square pluto aspect makes for an individual who possesses a magnetic persona but also a tendency to be a little too controlling and possessive. The Venus square pluto man is likely to be a charming lothario while the Venus square Pluto woman is liable to be a femme…
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12 Shades of ISTP | MBTI & The Zodiac
ISTP Zodiac Signs[ads_hr hr_style="hr-dots"] [dropcap]B[/dropcap]asically, ISTPs are a lot like INTPs but less interested in theories and abstract concepts and more interested in understanding tangible systems and methods that they can use and interact with. In addition to this, ISTPs are known to be rather cool under fire and their extraverted sense preference makes them…
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ISTJ vs INTJ ~ How To Tell Them Apart
"I+I" by iNeedChemicalX INTJ vs ISTJ MBTI[ads_hr hr_style="hr-dots"] On the surface, the ISTJ and INTJ similarities can make them appear almost identical to one another. Generally speaking, ISTJ and INTJ both exude a flat affect with a lack of warmth and congeniality. They are both cerebral and phlegmatic in their temperament and may act a…
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20 MBTI tumblr Posts That Are Pretty Spot On
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]umblr is a breeding ground of frivolous mbti lists ranging from hilarious to remarkably poignant. Here is a collection of some of the more notable mbti posts found on tumblr. (more…)
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5 Reasons Aquarius and Taurus Can Make It Work (Maybe)
Aquarius and Taurus compatibility The 11th and 2nd zodiac signs, Aquarius and Taurus respectively, both carry the fixed principle but of different elements. Aquarius being an air sign is focused on ideas and causes whereas Taurus’ earthy sensibilities are focused on pragmatism and comfort. The Taurus and Aquarius personality do not share a lot of…
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Sun Square Saturn Aspect
Here is a description of the Sun square Saturn planetary aspect. To find out if you have this aspect in your chart, you can use this widget to generate your own comprehensive natal chart with detailed info on all your planetary placements. You can also read about other planetary aspects here. Sun Square…
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6 Reasons Why INTJ and INTP Fall In Love
The INTJ and INTP relationship is likely to make for a very smart couple. David Keirsey, author of “Please Understand Me” observed that INTJs are highly selective of their romantic partners and perhaps the most systematic of all the MBTI types in their approach to dating. They screen potential partners in the same methodical manner they…
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Research Statistics About Each MBTI Personality
Research On the MBTI Personality Types There have been many MBTI studies designed to test and supplement the psychological typing system with empirical data. Fortunately for us, we benefit from generations of data already collected, and much of it holds up well with Jung's ideas. More importantly, these studies provide scientific analysis with which to…
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35 Undeniable Signs You’re An INTP
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]or someone new to the MBTI, learning about your type can be an illuminating and revelatory experience. But even after taking a MBTI assessment, some people after reading about their Myers Briggs type, may doubt whether their test result is accurate. This is probably due mostly to the concern over the authenticity of one’s responses…
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