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The 12 Houses in Astrology

12th house

12th House: The House of Secrets

12th House: The House of Secrets Mode: Cadent (Mutable) Water Planetary Dignity: Neptune/Pisces The 12th house in astrology is known as the House of Secrets and self undoing. The 12th house is the final house and thus represents the end or termination of cycles. It corresponds with the sign of Pisces and its planetary ruler Neptune. This house represents the end point in our spiritual journey and is a sort of graduation to a higher level of spiritual and personal ...
11th house

11th House: The House of Hopes

11th House: The House of Hopes and Aspirations Mode: Cadent (Fixed) Air Planetary Dignity: Uranus/Aquarius The 11th house in astrology is the House of hopes and aspirations. It is also associated with friendships, community, and various types of networks and organizations. The 11th house is a succedent house and corresponds to Aquarius and its planetary ruler, Uranus. This house encompasses platonic relations with others in our life. It is all about people and therefore focuses on the nature of our ...
tenth house

10th House: The House of Career

10th House: The House of Career Mode: Angular (Cardinal) Earth Planetary Dignity: Saturn/Capricorn The 10th house in astrology is the house of Career and reputation. It is an angular house and is also known as the MidHeaven, and Medium Coeli. This house corresponds to Capricorn and its planetary ruler, Saturn. The 10th house is about our public reputation, clout and accomplishments particularly in the realm of career and profession. This house describes our professional ambition and capacity to move up ...
ninth house

9th House: The House of Higher Learning

9th House: The House of Higher Learning Mode: Cadent (Mutable) Fire Planetary Dignity: Jupiter/Sagittarius The 9th house in astrology is the house of higher learning and long trips. This contrasts with the 3rd house which is associated with early education and short trips and the immediate environment. The 9th house is concerned with the broader world and the universe. The existential meaning of it all. Why are we here? What is our purpose? What is truth? These philosophical quandaries are ...
eighth house

8th House: The House of Transformation

8th House: The House of Transformation Mode: Succedent (Fixed) Water Planetary Dignity: Pluto/Scorpio The 8th house in astrology governs the realm of transformation and sexuality. It encompasses the symbolism of regeneration and the overcoming of trauma and crises. It defines our attitude towards change and also the nature of our inner strength and will power. A weakened or afflicted 8th house can reveal vulnerabilities that can leave the individual susceptible to addictions and unhealthy obsessions. Furthermore, the 8th house is ...
seventh house

7th House: The House of Relationships

7th House: The House of Relationships Mode: Angular (Cardinal) Air Planetary Dignity: Venus/Libra The 7th house is the house of Partnerships and relationships. It is about our relations to others especially with regards to one-on-one intimates and personal connections. This can extend to business Partnerships and romantic relationships but also encompasses contracts, lawyers and counselors. The 7th house is an angular house also known as The Descendant which stands opposite of the first house known as the ascendant. Since the ...
sixth house

6th House: The House of Work

6th House: The House of Work Mode: Cadent (Mutable) Earth Planetary Dignity: Mercury + Saturn/Virgo The 6th house in astrology governs the realm of work, and responsibility. It is also concerned with service to others, health and nutrition, exercise, routines and coworkers. Pets are also covered by this house. Virgo and it’s planetary rulers, Saturn/Mercury are the natural dignitaries of the 6th house. The 6th house encompasses our vocational calling and everyday mundane tasks and routines that we perform.  It ...
fifth house

5th House: The House of Creativity

5th House: The House of Creativity Mode: Succedent (Fixed) Fire Planetary Dignity: Sun/Leo The 5th house in astrology governs the realm of fun, entertainment and creativity. It is also associated with children, romance and gambling. The 5th house is ruled by Leo and the Sun. This house concerns the heart which is the vital organ that pumps life-giving blood through our veins. The heart symbolizes our life force and vitality. Additionally, as one of the Fire houses, the 5th house ...
fourth house

4th House: The House of Family

4th House: The House of Family Mode: Angular (Cardinal) Water Planetary Dignity: Moon/Cancer The 4th house in astrology pertains to domestic life, the mother, childhood and the private inner world of the individual. It also encompasses real estate, heritage and our ancestral roots. The 4th house is an angular house and thus considered as very significant in the birth chart. This house constitutes the private and very personal side of our lives that only our close intimates will be privy ...
third house

3rd House: The House of Communication

3rd House: The House of Communication Mode: Cadent (Mutable) Air Planetary Dignity: Mercury/Gemini The 3rd house governs the realm of communications, short commutes, neighbors, siblings and early education. The 3rd house corresponds to Gemini and is ruled by Mercury. The third house is where we discern from the chart, how an individual expresses themselves verbal or through writing. If Mercury is in the 3rd house, the individual could be described as “mercurial”, which is to say that they are likely ...
second house

2nd House: The House of Possessions

2nd House: The House of Possessions Mode: Succedent (Fixed) Earth Planetary Dignity: Venus/Taurus The second house pertains to your money, personal property and overall security. It concerns personal possessions and objects that are movable like furniture and jewelry as opposed to fixed property such as real estate. The second house corresponds to Taurus and is ruled by Venus. Planetary aspects and positions that take place in this house will indicate something about the status and health of your finances and ...
the first house in astrology


1ST HOUSE: THE HOUSE OF SELF MODE:ANGULAR (CARDINAL) FIRE  PLANETARY DIGNITY:MARS/ARIES The FIRST HOUSE is commonly known as the “house of self” and is home to Mars and it’s zodiac rulership, Aries. In astrology, the first house is an angular house or cardinal house and represents the “identity in action”. It governs the realm of self identity and the image we project. The 1st house concerns first impressions and the persona but also relates to how we take action and approach new situations ...


Planets In The 12 Astrology Houses

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