mbti list

ISTJ Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ISTJ
The ISTJ personality, along with the other 15 types in the MBTI, have their share of strengths and weaknesses. Here is a look at 7 of the weak points associated with the ISTJ personality type. (more…)
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7 Major Weaknesses of the INFP Personality
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV_-vqVttS8 With each MBTI personality there are a number of associated strengths and weaknesses. For the INFP, this is no different. Everything is not always peaches and rainbows and there are a number of challenges and struggles that come with being an INFP. Here are 7 of the major weaknesses of the INFP personality type.…
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The Cognitive Blind Spots of Each MBTI Type
In the MBTI, blind-spots in your personality type are the areas you tend to overlook and fail to give adequate consideration for. Here's a look at what your blank spot is based on Myers-Briggs personality type.
INFP The General blind-spot associated with INFP, revolves around their lack of objectivity, attentiveness to details and…
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The MBTI Types of Harry Potter Characters
Harry Potter boasts of a diverse cast as rich as the magic showcased. With such a vast repertoire of personalities, it’s only predictable every Myers-Briggs type has a flattering representation amidst the students and teachers within Hogwarts. Visiting the sorting hat and figuring out your house is thrilling by itself, but if you wish to…
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The MBTI Types of Game of Thrones Characters
MYERS-BRIGGS IN WESTEROS: MBTI TYPES OF “GAME OF THRONES” CHARACTERS. Cersei Lannister said it herself—when you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. The struggle for power in HBO’s hit series gathered many different personalities, some seeking victory and others unwittingly getting caught in the intricate plots of other players. Want to…
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What Drives You In Life Based On MBTI Type
What we are driven by in life has a lot to do with what we find important and valuable. And what we find valuable and important is invariably tied to the preferences inherent to our personality. Here's a general look at what drives you based on your MBTI personality type. (more…)
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How Competitive You Are Based on MBTI Type
No matter what MBTI type you are, competition is a fact of life. It’s a source of entertainment, and a means of survival. When it comes to the latter however, competition can bring out the worst in us. Fortunately we can achieve more through collaboration and cooperation. Still, even within a civilized society that values…
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The First Impression Others Have of You Based on MBTI Type
They say you only have one chance to make a first impression. First impressions can have a lasting and powerful influence in shaping our perception of others. If you make a terrible first impression, it can leave a stain that will long after impact how you are perceived no matter what you do afterwards. Here…
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The MBTI Types As Iconic Space Aliens
THE FICTIONAL ALIEN THAT BEST REPRESENTS YOUR MBTI TYPE. We all have a little bit of Mulder in us. Whether we want to believe or not, only one question has roamed our minds since immemorial times. No, we don’t wonder if aliens exist, or if they will come in peace. Our concern is concise and…
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How Imaginative You Are Based on MBTI Type
Although virtually everyone has imagination, some people engage theirs more than others. Some people think big while others think small. Here is a look at how imaginative you are based on MBTI type. (more…)
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ENFP Weaknesses: 7 Struggles of Being ENFP
The ENFP personality has been described as such things as “diplomatic champion” and “discoverer advocate”. ENFPs possess wonderful strengths including their ability to inspire, uplift and make others feel understood and appreciated. They are driven by a noble desire for purpose and personal fulfillment. They are also highly creative and strive to hold true to…
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INTJ Weaknesses: 7 Struggles of Being INTJ
The INTJ personality is described as a strategic mastermind. Among their strengths is an ability to foresee complications and devise effective contingency plans that prevent disaster and avert crisis. INTJs live primarily in the world of their introverted intuition which makes their perspectives highly impressionistic in nature. They think in images and patterns and are…
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INTP Weaknesses: 7 Struggles of being INTP
INTPs are noted for their thirst for knowledge, creative thinking and rational perspective. INTPs take pleasure in demystifying the universe, solving problems and continually filling the gaps in their knowledge. INTPs also have their share of struggles and areas of difficulty. Here is a look at 7 weaknesses associated with life as an INTP. (more…)
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INTJ and ENTP Relationship Compatibility
ENTP and INTJ Relationship ENTP and INTJ are two of the 4 “Rational” types categorized as such by MBTI theorist and author, David Keirsey. In relationships, Rationals are described as loyal mates who are also uncomplaining, honest and non-possessive. Although, they can make for wonderful partners, establishing a close relationship with them can take more…
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7 Struggles of Being an ENTP
ENTPs are extroverts with a mercurial and restless temperament. They are ingenious, alert and fueled by a constant thirst for novelty and intellectual stimulus. They gravitate toward the new and unknown and away from the familiar and routine. However, for all their strengths, and abilities, life can pose special challenges to the ENTP personality type.…
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