Here is a look at the way in which each Myers Briggs personality is likely to protect and defend their loved ones.
INFJ tries to take an impartial and middle ground stance that is not blatantly biased, but will likely downplay when their loved ones are at fault. Although peace loving and reserved, INFJ can be very firm and assertive when defending people they care about. They are protective like a mother hen willing to risk their lives trying to peck the eyes out of a animal preying on their chickadees.
Blatantly biased in defending their compadres because INFP’s attachment to them trumps almost any objective reason for not doing so. They try to do it in an amenable and non hostile way though and may try to use their bubbly charm and humor to help ease relations and take the heat off the situation. Of course, when INFP gets emotionally worked up, they can be very forceful and defensive on their loved one’s behalf.
INTJ is not inclined to get into other people’s drama, but if they see a loved one or ally being antagonized, they may step in and try to resolve the situation with a rational mind rather than take sides immediately. They will try to gather the objective facts first. To defend their loved ones, INTJs will take decisive action to straighten things out themselves or just offer rational advice that is left up for them to use.
In many cases, INTP will try to knock the adversary off their high horse by pointing out the holes, hypocrisies and faults in their criticism. In other cases, INTP will try to disembowel the hater’s ego with the most devastating and unexpected thing they can think of. In most cases, INTP will assess for themselves what is true and what isn’t, and won’t likely defend their loved ones if the criticism is true or makes sense to them.
Because of their high idealism and capacity for empathy, ENFJs may try to be moderate and avoid taking a biased stance in defending their loved ones. They have strong moral or ethical ideals and although they would try and protect loved ones from harm and punishment from others, ENFJ would nonetheless seek to uphold what they believe to be objectively right. They hold themselves and their loved ones to the same standard and will only defend what deserves defending.
ENFPs defend their family and friends out of loyalty and unabashed bias. They also feel morally obligated to do so because they are so empathetic and protective. ENFPs look out for their friends and will readily go after their haters in one way or another. They can be very mouthy and effective at staging a verbal incursion against anyone trying to put down their allies.
ENTJs defend their loved ones with rational arguments and good points. They are likely to be quick in assessing the issue and very decisive and also fair in how they seek to remediate the situation. ENTJs are aware of consequences and so they won’t likely get carried away in a heated or emotionally charged dispute. Instead, they make their case and lay it out in clear and cogent terms.
ENTPs will defend their loved one like a well paid attorney or a dialectical attack dog. Verbal defenses are their bread and butter and they can almost always find an angle to argue that allows them to defend the indefensible. Their friends may very well be in the wrong, but ENTP can be good at rationalizing, twisting and reframing the situation so as to cast doubt in even the most sure-minded individuals.
ISTJ is like a referee. They are loyal and willing to defend their loved ones, but rules are rules, and their assessment of who’s right or wrong can be very black and white. ISTJ sees things from a very objective and principled perspective. They likely won’t be inclined to defend violations of policies and rules because they believe in accepting responsibility for those actions. Interpersonal conflicts on the other hand, they not be comfortable with but can be good at stepping in to provide rational perspective.
ISFJs are loyal to their loved ones and will defend them with a blatantly biased defense. They tend to see their loved ones in an inordinately positive light so long as they are on good terms with them. They will protect their in-group from outside critics, haters and the like by deflecting and downplaying whatever attack or allegation is being levied against them. Although their intentions are often well meaning, they can end up making excuses for other people’s bad behavior.
ESTJs can seem like a judge, jury and executioner can be very intimidating when they step in to defend someone. ESTJ can be very good defenders who are persuasive and effective because of their fast and decisive mind for sussing out the facts of an issue. Getting into an argument with them may be difficult because they are good at framing things in very black and white terms.
Showers their loved one with high praise and admiration in front of the person criticizing them. Acts like a fangirl or fanboy toward their friend and treats the other person like chopped liver just to spite them and make them jealous.
ISFPs are not likely to be very concerned with objectivity in who they defend because they perceive things whoever they want to perceive them. Their rationale may not be consistent because it is based on the principle of what feels right regardless of facts. Therefore, ISFPs can be very loyal defenders of their loved ones through thick and thin and this attachment can make them blind and inclined to defend them even when they are at fault.
ISTPs can be very protective and take their loyalties and alliances seriously. Threats and criticisms against their loved ones are often taken personally, rousing them to action in some form or another. Words may not be enough and the situation can get physical very quickly when they’re emotionally involved. Their temperamental impulses can make them very willing to fight it out literally.
Turns into an obnoxious cheerleader on behalf of their friend or loved one. They make it clear whose side they are on and will probably proceed to insult the adversary with ad hominems about their appearance, style of dress and social status.
For ESTPs, loyalty is important. Any attack on the people in their fold can arouse ESTP to stick up for them in an almost heroic way. They take it personally when their team is criticized and a threat on them is like a threat on ESTP. Whether their loved one is right or wrong, ESTP instinctively goes on the offensive and readily throws their weight around on their behalf.
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