intp vs intj compare

INTP vs INTJ Comparison: 3 Key Differences Between the Logician and the Architect

image credit: Afif Ramdhasuma On paper, the INTP and INTJ are easy enough to tell apart. Both types are introverted, logic oriented and creative, but one is decidedly more systematic and organized than the other. However, in the real world, INTPs can often appear like INTJs because either due to ambition or circumstance, they may…
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girl with hands

Why Do INFPs Have a Hard Time Making and Keeping Friends? (Here Are 6 Reasons)

image credit: Barry The INFP cherishes meaningful, close relationships, but like most introverts, they can struggle to form and maintain those special, rewarding connections with others. There are certain barriers they impose on themselves that make it not so easy for others to get to know them. On the surface, INFPs are generally kind, easy…
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INFP Paradoxes: 5 Contradicting Quirks of the INFP Personality

The INFP personality is noted as an introvert who is receptive, sincere, imaginative and highly sensitive. These types are preoccupied with moral values, self identity, and personal fulfillment. They are also fond of romance and cherish the bonds they manage to form with people who understand and value them for who they are. One of…
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introvert brain science

5 Scientific Facts About the Introvert Brain

Coined by Carl Jung in the early 20th century, the terms “introversion” and “extroversion” have gained widespread popularity thanks to the prevalence of human personality theories in online circles. Questionnaires such as the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator or Raymond Cattell’s 16 personality factors make use of the concepts, making them well-known among those who seek to…
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