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What Each MBTI Type Seeks In A Soulmate

mbti soulmates

The picture of “the perfect mate” differs for each person. Here’s what each MBTI type looks for in a soul mate.


INFJ seeks someone who understands them the way they understand others. INFJs like playing the therapist for others but sometimes they wish they had one of their own. They can be an enigma even to themselves and so for them, the ultimate partner would be someone who actually “gets” the INFJ and understands what they need to cheer them up when they’re down or provide emotional support and insight about their life struggles.

Most Important Aspects: mutual support, mutual commitment, being listened to, fidelity, intimacy, companionship, shared values.

Least Important Aspects: shared religious beliefs, shared interests, sexual compatibility, spiritual connection, similar parenting styles.


The ideal partner to INFP is someone who embodies an ideal that was probably shaped by a fictional character INFP obsesses with. INFP wants to be with someone with whom they can let down their guards without fear of judgement. They value authenticity, emotional maturity and someone who accepts and loves them as purely and totally as they do them. INFPs may also be drawn to people significantly older or younger than they are.

Most Important Aspects: mutual commitment, fidelity, mutual support, intimacy, being listened to, accepting each other’s differences, shared values.

Least Important Aspects: shared religious beliefs, financial security, shared interests, similar parenting styles, sexual compatibility.


In a soul mate, INTJs seek someone with dignified warmth and intelligence. Someone who is smart but with less romantic inhibitions would be great in helping INTJ come out of their stalwart shell. Ultimately, it is important to INTJ to have a partner who appeals to them mentally as well as physically with common interests and can hold their own in conversations about the geeky things INTJ is into.

Most Important Aspects: fidelity, mutual support, mutual commitment, intellectual stimulation, being listened to, shared values, having fun together.

Least Important Aspects: shared religious beliefs, security, financial security, similar parenting styles, spending time together, spiritual connection.


INTPs desire someone who loves them for who they are but isn’t dependent on them. Their ideal companion is smart and affectionate but not emotionally needy and also shares similar interests for discussion. INTPs like to maintain their independence and sovereignty and may spend a lot of time off doing their own thing. A partner who can take care of themselves and communicates clearly without playing mind games would be ideal for the INTP.

Most Important Aspects: mutual commitment, fidelity, mutual support, being listened to, humor, intellectual stimulation, companionship.

Least Important Aspects: financial security, shared religious beliefs, spiritual connection, security, similar parenting styles.


ENFJs want someone who is receptive to their desire to teach and share stories. ENFJs love to express their love through their acts of service and it’s important for them to have a partner who recognizes and appreciates their devotion and noble intentions. The ideal mate for ENFJ is someone who shares similar values and from whom ENFJ can also learn and be challenged to grow as a person.

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Most Important Aspects: mutual commitment, being listened to, mutual support, having fun together, fidelity, intimacy, accepting each other’s differences.

Least Important Aspects: shared religious beliefs, financial security, shared interests, spiritual connection, intellectual stimulation.


ENFPs seek a partner with whom they can escape and share their freedom with. ENFPs are on a mission to build a free range life for themselves that avails them to many rich and meaningful experiences. A companion who has a similar mindset and trajectory who can help facilitate this end would be an ideal mate for ENFP to pair with.

Most Important Aspects: being listened to, mutual commitment, intimacy, fidelity, having fun together, mutual support, humor.

Least Important Aspects: financial security, shared religious beliefs, shared interests, similar parenting styles, security.


ENTJs seek a loyal partner who is willing to trust and let ENTJ be the director. ENTJs like to do the planning and decision-making and a partner who is on board to follow their program is a keeper. ENTJs are very proactive control freaks about almost everything they do and partners who want to do their own thing will be a problem for ENTJs. The ENTJ’s ideal is someone who is an asset to them and whose life is directly enhanced by being with the ENTJ.

Most Important Aspects: fidelity, mutual commitment, mutual support, shared values, companionship, intellectual stimulation, having fun together.

Least Important Aspects: similar parenting styles, shared religious beliefs, spiritual connection, shared interests, humor.


For ENTPs, the problem with settling down in a committed relationship is the threat it may pose to potential opportunities they foresee down the road. The ideal mate for ENTP is someone with whom ENTP’s options are enhanced, not diminished. Instead of making ENTP feel constrained and delimited, this person inspires and makes ENTP better. The ideal partner for ENTP is also emotionally low maintenance and doesn’t require constant shows of affection.

Most Important Aspects: having fun together, mutual support, humor, intimacy, accepting each other’s differences, intellectual stimulation, companionship.

Least Important Aspects: shared religious beliefs, shared interests, financial security, similar parenting styles, spiritual connection.


Ideally, ESTJ seeks a mate who knows what they are doing and allows ESTJ to relax their micromanaging tendencies. ESTJ wants a partner who is capable and can be entrusted to handle their roles and responsibilities well. This is a relief to ESTJ whose worries often stem from a fear of relinquishing control. A mate who is reliable and able to hold down the fort when needed is valuable to an ESTJ.

Most Important Aspects: fidelity, mutual commitment, mutual support, companionship, shared values, security, having fun together.

Least Important Aspects: shared religious beliefs, shared interests, spiritual connection, similar parenting styles, intellectual stimulation.


ISTJ’s romantic ideal is someone who admires their knowledge and dedication and shares their interest for discussing details of history and current events. ISTJs want a partner who is emotionally low maintenance and doesn’t take their introverted habits and quiet nature personally. A partner who is reliable and loving without pressuring the ISTJ to emote or be more expressive is ideal.

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Most Important Aspects: fidelity, mutual support, being listened to, mutual commitment, shared values, companionship, security.

Least Important Aspects: shared religious beliefs, spiritual connection, shared interests, similar parenting styles, sexual compatibility.


ESFJs are naturally drawn to people who need them in some way. They can end up falling in love with charity cases to some extent. The ideal partner ESFJ seeks is someone who has their life together and a good head on their shoulders but still lets ESFJ do things for them. ESFJ wants to freely give and receive with a partner who is not dependant on them but does so voluntarily as an expression of love.

Most Important Aspects: mutual commitment, fidelity, being listened to, mutual support, shared values, companionship, having fun together.

Least Important Aspects: shared interests, similar parenting styles, spiritual connection, shared religious beliefs, sexual compatibility.


In many of their relationships, ISFJs may find that there is an imbalance between the amount of effort and commitment they put in compared with that of their significant other. ISFJs are very giving and nurturing and the ideal partner for them would be someone who appreciates and accepts ISFJ’s thoughtfulness and affection but also reciprocates back in kind. ISFJs seek someone who makes them feel secure, truly loved and respected and not taken for granted.

Most Important Aspects: mutual commitment, fidelity, mutual support, being listened to, shared values, companionship, intimacy.

Least Important Aspects: shared religious beliefs, shared interests, intellectual stimulation, spiritual connection, similar parenting styles.


The ideal person ESTP seeks to be with is one who inspires them to fight and be bold. ESTPs fear settling down at the risk of losing a lot of what makes life exciting for them. Someone who has a softness that balances out ESTP’s gregarious and adventuresome qualities will be ideal. ESTPs look for beautiful and status-enhancing partners, but also seek loyalty and someone who is not as egotistical and headstrong as they are.

Most Important Aspects: having fun together, mutual commitment, fidelity, intimacy, being listened to, mutual support, sexual compatibility.

Least Important Aspects: spending time together, shared religious beliefs, spiritual connection, intellectual stimulation, financial security, similar parenting styles.


For ISTP, the ideal partner is someone who is uncomplicated, fun to be around and doesn’t take themselves too seriously. Someone who isn’t controlling  and takes an interest in what ISTP does or is good at is pretty much a winner. ISTPs are not naturally adept at reading feelings or expressing theirs and so a partner who doesn’t expect them to be mind readers takes a lot of relationship stress and pressure off ISTP’s shoulders.

Most Important Aspects: having fun together, mutual commitment, fidelity, companionship, humor, sexual compatibility, mutual support.

Least Important Aspects: shared religious beliefs, financial security, shared interests, spiritual connection, intellectual stimulation, security.

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Life is a journey and ESFP wants a partner who will be their travel companion or romantic travel agent. ESFPs want to experience the world and to see and do many things. The ideal soulmate for them is someone who can handle being a part of ESFP’s adventure and will help facilitate the fun – not discourage them from it. ESFP wants someone who gives them the attention they crave and lets them be the star of the relationship.

Most Important Aspects: being listened to, having fun together, mutual commitment, fidelity, shared values, humor, mutual support.

Least Important Aspects: shared religious beliefs, shared interests, spiritual connection, similar parenting styles, security, sexual compatibility.


ISFP has the ability to see the beauty in things and people that others fail to appreciate. In love, the ISFP may adore their partner like a priceless work of art. The ideal soulmate for ISFP is one who also views the ISFP as a unique masterpiece. Someone who not only accepts them but genuinely recognizes and admires what makes ISFP special and worthy of adoration.

Most Important Aspects: mutual commitment, fidelity, having fun together, companionship, shared values, being listened to, intimacy.

Least Important Aspects: shared religious beliefs, spiritual connection, similar parenting styles, financial security, sexual compatibility, intellectual stimulation.


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Jetta Moon
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3 thoughts on “What Each MBTI Type Seeks In A Soulmate

  1. The share buttons floating on the side are blocking the article and are annoying and unnecessary beings there are other share buttons on the page.

  2. The “least important” aspects for the ISTJ are among the most important aspects, even dealbreakers, for me. How are these even listed as “least important”? How were these derived anyway? Has the author even met an ISTJ, let alone know one well?

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