Sun and moon astrology

Pisces Sun Virgo Moon Personality – “The Creative Perfectionist”
Pisces Sun Virgo Moon The pisces sun virgo moon personality is likely to be unassuming yet smart. They are probably very self-conscious and self critical and this judgmental tendency may also extend to others as well. Because they are a bit repressed and not fully comfortable with themselves, they may have a distaste for people…
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Pisces Sun Leo Moon – Zodiac Personality
Pisces Sun Leo Moon The pisces sun-leo moon combination is likely to create a personality that is warm and confident without being overbearing or too forceful. They have a very big heart and pride in who they are. Being a Leo moon person, they are likely to have large capacity for compassion and love for…
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Pisces Sun Cancer Moon – “A Fish With Claws”
Pisces Sun Cancer Moon The pisces sun-cancer moon combination is likely to produce a personality that is highly sensitive and may possess a number of insecurities for which they build up defense mechanisms to protect against. This person whether male or female may possess a softer side to them, that they feel not at liberty…
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Pisces Sun-Gemini Moon – “A Fish Laced With Mercury”
Pisces Sun Gemini Moon The pisces sun gemini moon personality is a Pisces who probably has a bit of a gift for gab. Their temperament may be a bit eccentric but they are not necessarily weirdos. They are highly creative but prone to boredom and oftentimes may appear scatterbrained and very ADHD. Emotionally they may…
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Pisces Sun Taurus Moon The pisces sun taurus moon personality is a Pisces who doesn’t let too many things get under their skin. Their emotions are a bit more stable but they may a have a visceral response to money and threats to their security. They may either be a bit indulgent or spartan in…
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Personable yet strong-willed, the pisces sun-aries moon personality is likely to be an interesting balance of serenity and strength. They are dreamers who dream big and have the wherewithal to chase those dreams and turn them to reality. The pisces in sun and aries in moon combination engenders a temperament that is by turns reflective…
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Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon
Sun in Aquarius - Moon in Scorpio - Avantgarde - You are someone with very strong convictions and ideals. You think for yourself and may often feel as though you know best. You possess boundless energy and passion which you try to channel into meaningful and fulfilling endeavors. An Aquarius sun person is likely to…
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