5 Reasons Why INFJs fall for INTPs
The INFJ-INTP Golden Couple Despite what type theories might suggest, I believe just about any pair of MBTI personalities have a fighting chance at forming a happy relationship. INTJs for example, are supposedly least compatible with Artisans (SPs) and Guardians (SJs) but a self proclaimed INTJ Youtuber named Ben has testified to being happily married…
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6 Reasons Why INTJ and INTP Fall In Love
The INTJ and INTP relationship is likely to make for a very smart couple. David Keirsey, author of “Please Understand Me” observed that INTJs are highly selective of their romantic partners and perhaps the most systematic of all the MBTI types in their approach to dating. They screen potential partners in the same methodical manner they…
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35 Undeniable Signs You’re An INTP
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]or someone new to the MBTI, learning about your type can be an illuminating and revelatory experience. But even after taking a MBTI assessment, some people after reading about their Myers Briggs type, may doubt whether their test result is accurate. This is probably due mostly to the concern over the authenticity of one’s responses…
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100 Deep Quotes From Famous INTP People
With all that introverted thinking they do, it is no wonder why INTP people develop insights that are profound, poignant and deeply thoughtful. The INTP mind transcends the limitations of concrete reality to ponder concepts and potentiations plucked from the ethereal tree of their imagination. Their thinking often starts with one idea and then ramifies…
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25 Interesting INTP Statistics & Facts
The INTP is one of the rarest personality types in the Myers Briggs, especially among women. And as their minority status might suggest, their way of life is bound to run counter to the social norms of the majority. There are many studies out there that have tested various aspects of MBTI personality types. Here…
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33 Struggles of Being An Introvert
In recent times it's become more fashionable to be an introvert. A spate of pro-introvert books including Susan Cain's Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, probably had a large role in catalyzing this cultural shift in attitude. That still doesn't change the fact that the world is dominated by and mostly catered…
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99 Struggles Intuitive Types Will Understand
"beyond life and death" by TheSameLie Being an intuitive type isn't always a rosy chalice of cherry wine cooler. Comprising roughly 25% of the population, intuitives are a minority in a world dominated by sensors. And yet, intuitives account for the majority of the world's most brilliant and influential trailblazers and visionaries. Einstein (INTP), Newton (INTJ), Zuckerberg…
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33 Things Only Thinkers Will Relate To
"Soothing moments" by adrianismyname I Think Therefore I am... a "thinker"? Every conscious man and woman thinks, but true thinkers are cerebral to a fault. Logic is favored over sentiment; rationality over feeling. For those uncertain over what side of the fence they fall on, here are 33 things only thinkers will relate to. You've…
Read More ENTP vs. INTP: How To Tell Them Apart | High on MBTI
When listening to type descriptions, remember that "type portraits" can never accurately describe all people of a given type. Descriptions and portraits like these can only describe the types as they typically are. In 'Psychological Types,' Jung describes 8 main types, but does in practice refer to the dominant-auxiliary combinations popularized by later authors,…
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6 Reasons Why INTPs Are So Damn Broke
There is research that has investigated the relationship between intelligence and income and found individuals with higher IQ test scores have higher income. Within the pantheon of Myers Briggs personalities, INTPs are pegged as being the most intellectually inclined. They rate the highest in I.Q. testing, they're the most conceptual, and they're analytical as well…
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INTP/ISTP Inferior Fe Subtypes | mbti-info
"Parent" by TeijoLahtinen INFERIOR FE SUBTYPES mbti-info: 1) the confidently eccentric inferior Fe: You maybe used to care what people think about you, but you don’t anymore. And even if you did, they probably wouldn’t like you anyway. You might as well be as weird as you want. Social skills- why bother. 2) the quintessential…
Read More 12 Shades of INTP: MBTI & the Zodiac
In astrology, it is known that there are distinct differences among persons of the same zodiac sign. With the Myers Briggs, there are also shades of variation among shared types. While it appears that there is no 1 to 1 correlation between Myers Briggs type and astrology sign, it could be that the astrology sign may produce variations of a…
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