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January Birthdays 20 – 31

January Birthdays

January 20 Birthday

Partnerships and teamwork is of interest to you. You work well with others and have a friendly demeanor. You have unusual ideas that may be too weird for others to appreciate and your oversensitive nature often does not take rejection well. You are supportive of family and friends and provide a sympathetic ear and emotional comfort.

Potential Soul mates: Dec. 22, Aug. 30, Oct. 26



January 21 Birthday

You are social and romantic with a codependent personality. Friendly and upbeat, you attract others with your affable demeanor and non-judgmental energy. You are a people person who enjoys parties and group activities.

Potential Soul mates: Jan. 31, Aug. 17, Oct. 13



January 22 Birthday

You are stable and security conscious. You have great work ethic and can accomplish much because of your efficient and productive nature. You may be very industrious and inventive with original ideas that may not always be practical or implementable.  You take pleasure in invention and building things and your workmanship is of  high quality.

Potential Soul mates: Sept. 2, Jan. 18, Nov. 17



January 23 Birthday

You branch out to explore, learn and expand your perspective. You understand there is much to experience in this life and you want to absorb as much as possible. You are progressive and forward thinking with a compassionate, humanitarian nature. You do not stagnate, you are restless and may develop many friendships throughout your life.

Potential Soul mates: Jan. 9, Oct. 30, Dec. 26



January 24 Birthday

Family and home life may be of special importance to this day. You are honest and straight forward and you work hard to maintain security and stability. You are idealistic with noble intentions and may possess good money management skills.

Potential Soul mates: Dec. 25, Jan. 15, Aug. 1



January 25 Birthday

Perfectionism and productivity characterize this day. You have ambition and enthusiasm that drives your projects and efforts towards success. You are methodical and can capable with objective views.

Potential Soul mates: Nov. 6, Aug. 12, Jun. 16


January Birthdays

January 26 Birthday

You follow the lead of your instincts and intuitions. Forceful and determined you are strong willed and persevering in face of opposition. You are intelligent and keen as a manager and leader.

Potential Soul mates: Nov. 5, Mar. 21, Jan. 25



January 27 Birthday

Outside the box thinking is natural to you. You have psychological depth and insight. You recognize patterns and shifts in the cultural seas of society and you can inspire others with poignant wisdom and eye opening ideas.

Potential Soul mates: May 4, Jun. 2, Feb. 10



January 28 Birthday

This day carries a restless, driven energy. You have brilliant ideas and you need to implement them in some way form or fashion. You focus and plan, organizing the pieces you need to build your vision and others may be inspired to follow your lead. You are intelligent and you work tirelessly to equip yourself with the best information becoming knowledgeable and respected by your peers.

Potential Soul mates: Dec. 28, Nov. 30, Apr. 11



January 29 Birthday

You work well with others and possess an adaptable, cooperative energy that puts others at ease. You do not mind playing second fiddle or serving a supportive role because the spotlight is not that important to you. You have wisdom and compassion and you help others in a selfless manner.

Potential Soul mates: Mar. 12, Oct. 25, Aug. 2



January 30 Birthday

You have an outgoing, extravagant persona. Though you are friendly and like-able, your boastful vanity may irk others. You enjoy engaging in conversation and sharing ideas and information. You may be lazy and lack persistence and work ethic.

Potential Soul mates: May 2, Feb. 1, Mar. 6


January Birthdays

January 31 Birthday

You are a pragmatist and perform sufficient planning before tackling a project. There is leadership in you and your vision can guide and inspire others to do what they didn’t think was possible. Your optimism keeps your spirits afloat when things are in doubt

Potential Soul mates: Dec. 19, May 13, Jul. 9

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