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16 responses

  1. Gaylord
    August 22, 2017

    You shouldn’t use words such as “probably” when describing people’s types. Makes you look like you don’t know what you’re talking about. Which you probably don’t, you also spelled alot wrong, a lot of times.


  2. Nurhussen
    September 9, 2017

    I am INTJ SAGITARIUS as well as HSPIntegrating the Zodiac sign with INTJ has given me to better understand myself.This is what I was looking for. But why don’t you integrate HSP with ZODIAC? Because I am both Highly Sensitive and INTJ. Because I am also HSP, the following sentence only is not true for me:”These INTJs are probably especially blunt and unafraid to ruffle other people’s feathers”.


  3. tri utami prastya
    November 4, 2017

    how about INTJ Capricorn-Aquarius Cups?


  4. Zorya Utrennyaya
    December 20, 2017

    This is so unrighteous to pisces intj. I never saw such a negative focus of aspects in any of the other signs: border on being schizophrenic, neurotic, paranoiac, really? You’ve never met a pisces intj, clearly. And better, since with that thinking, we’d eat you for breakfast, and I doubt it that we’d cry about it after.


  5. garyboter
    December 29, 2017

    Capricorn INTJ here


  6. Hanna
    February 10, 2018

    I’m an INTJ Taurus and not in the slightest interested in business. I neither like it nor am I particularly good at it. Furthermore, I think I’d be really discontent with myself if focused on gaining much money. And I’m pretty sure not to appear very mysterious nor sexy.
    Sorry, but this really not accurate for me :/


  7. Lardhass
    March 18, 2018

    I’m a Pisces INTJ. I would say I am indeed a “dreamer” but I wouldn’t say i’m someone who can’t distinguish reality from fantasy. I’m someone who likes to makes those dreams reality by turning them into steps then into goals; I mostly determine if they’re achievable or not and if they’re down to earth. Overall, for me, I can definitely distinguish fantasy from reality. Anyway, this is a general description and won’t fit everyone’s personalities so I wont hold it against the author.

    and for everyone complaining about how inaccurate this is – we are complex, a description is not going to determine your whole personality. Take a chill pill folks.


  8. Geraldson Whispertooth
    September 3, 2018

    Big surprise, there’s absolutely no correlation between the month you were born and what type of INTJ that you are. Months are an entirely man-made concept which have no scientific correlation aside from being a division of 12 by the unit of time it happens to take the Earth to travel around the sun.

    But why 12? It’s an arbitrary division invented by humans, which gained popularity thousands of years ago. 12 just won the popularity contest in the same manner that the 7 day week did. There could have just as easily been a 10 month or a 4 month year, or 10 day weeks etc… So therefore trying to make a division that defines personality tendencies by the position of the Earth is an absurd and flawed logical assumption.


    • Astroligion
      September 3, 2018

      It’s actually not so arbitrary since the months are based on (though not in sync with) the lunar cycle which takes roughly 30 days to complete. The 12 signs are oriented by the 4 seasons. Aries starts on March 21 which marks the beginning of the spring equinox. Cancer begins on June 21-22 which marks the beginning of the summer solstice, and Libra and Capricorn commence the beginnings of Fall and Winter respectively. To be fair, there are studies that have found some correlations between personality traits and time of birth but nothing strictly tied to zodiac signs specifically.


  9. FactChecker4You
    May 20, 2019

    Please know your facts before writing such nonsense. Especially when dealing with an INTJ Virgo, who are likely to be one of the most analytical of information and critical of false statements. Research more.


  10. Abbie miller
    July 6, 2019

    Intj Capricorn


  11. LauraR
    February 23, 2020

    I’m a Capricorn INFJ, although I may not agree with the combination description 100%. I am on the cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius.


  12. Laura R
    February 23, 2020

    I didn’t mean to leave my comment under INTJ, I have been reading multiple combinations of family members. Oops, I am sorry to the site.


  13. Sarah
    May 8, 2020

    Hello. I’m not here to agree or disagree with your comment. Although, if I were I’d have to somewhat agree. I just wanted to say that I am also an intj Pisces and a female. Yay for us unicorns huh?


  14. Amberly
    June 22, 2020

    I am an INTJ Pisces unicorn too!


  15. Aya Fatihi
    March 19, 2021

    I’m a INTJ Leo 💀


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