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6 responses

  1. argonil
    January 20, 2017

    This description is not about schizoid personality disorder. You copy-pasted the description of Schizotypal Personality Disorder from INTP/ISFJ.


    • argonil
      January 20, 2017

      Eh, I can’t edit my comment. The description I’m talking about in my previous comment is the one for INFJ/ISTP, which has been partially swapped with the one for INTP/ISFJ.


  2. Ash
    October 23, 2018

    People with ADD and autism are also withdrawn. If someone with ADD goes to a party, after 2/3 hours he/she needs to be alone because of all the sensory experiences like noise, people touching, people eating, it becomes too much, they call it sensory processing disorder. When a narcissist goes to a party, he/she wants to go to more parties and he/she talks to a lot of people and he/she wants to impress other people by going with an attractive partner. Narcissistic people don’t withdraw, they want 100 text messages each day. And egomaniac behavior often gets confused for narcissism.


  3. MAF
    September 10, 2019

    ENTP is not linked to narcissism. Because narcissistic people are too extroverted and they are too competitive and they only want power, and they overestimate themselves. ENTPs do doubt themselves; that is why ENTP is sometimes discouraged, and it is linked to being visionary. You can read books about it if you don’t believe me. ENTPs are the overachievers who try to be a top performer.


  4. Miss information
    December 22, 2019

    This is outright harmful. You should add a bunch of disclaimers everywhere.


  5. Jinx
    December 9, 2024

    No, ENTPs usually drop out because they don’t like the boring routine of hard work to be a top performer.


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