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intp vs intj compare

INTP vs INTJ Comparison: 3 Key Differences Between the Logician and the Architect

image credit: Afif Ramdhasuma On paper, the INTP and INTJ are easy enough to tell apart. Both types are introverted, logic oriented and creative, but one is decidedly more systematic and organized than the other ...
joker mbti

The MBTI Types As Super Villains

Villainy has many faces and forms. Some are maniacal like the Joker or calculating like Lex Luthor. Here is the type of diabolical super villain each Myers Briggs type is likely to be. INFJ The ...
person cowering in fear while a menacing shadow is cast on the wall.

7 Major Weaknesses of the INFJ Personality

INFJs have a number of great qualities and strengths including their creativity, compassion, interpersonal insight and selfless devotion. But as with the other personality types, INFJs also a number of weaknesses and things that hold ...
intelligent struggles

7 Struggles Of Highly Intelligent People

Knowledge is power as the saying goes and it is no secret that highly intelligent people have a leg up on others in their ability to obtain power, money and success. But being smart isn't ...
ENTP vs. INTP: How To Tell Them Apart | High on MBTI

ENTP vs. INTP: How To Tell Them Apart | High on MBTI

When listening to type descriptions, remember that "type portraits" can never accurately describe all people of a given type. Descriptions and portraits like these can only describe the types as they typically are. In 'Psychological ...
the entj personality personified as a lion

ENTJ Personality Type: the “Commander”

The ENTJ is a personality regarded as a natural leader. Strong-willed, decisive, goal-oriented and hard-working, this type is a force to be reckoned with, capable of achieving a great deal with their life. At roughly ...